Chapter 4: The truth pt1

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Joshua's days on the company kept on going as he worked on to solve the untold mysteries of the company. For anyone else it seemed like Joshua landed on a big and amazing fortune by getting the position of CEO and next in line to inherit the entire company JHV but very few were aware of the fact that it is nothing like it seems. The company's actual condition was devastating. Company was badly bearing loses everything was messy and barely managed. Although the truth was hidden from the public by a very thin sheet of lies it wouldn't take long before that sheet to get destroyed and company's truth to be revealed.

Someone in the company was well aware of the entire truth and trying to lead Josh towards it. Whether it's by small chits casually left around him or the small hints left here and there. Joshua was willing to turn every single leaf possible in the office just to find this person. Who is this person? Why are they hinting me about these things? Are these hints even leading me to the truth? What do they want to accomplish? Joshua had many such questions but nobody to answer them. All he was left with was to find the truth himself. In these past three weeks he have had the dinner meet with 5 departments already. His mission was to find this person who has left all these hints but the person he was looking for was yet to be found.

"You won't show up infront of me no matter what, yet you play these little tricks of slipping chits to me. Either you are too smart for me to not catch  up on you or you are still not in my radar. Fine I'll test on your predicament claims and see for myself how much will it shock me." Joshua said to himself dedicated to find truth.

Joshua called his secretary in his cabin.
"Yes sir you called me?" His secretary was standing in his office within a minute after he called him.
" What are you talking about Mr Hwang who can be greater than you in this industry?" Joshua was talking to someone on the phone so he gestured his assistant to halt for a while.
" You're praising me too much Mr Hwang. I'm just a newbie who had entered the industry not even a month ago. I will be honoured if my first project will be backed up by you. Oh don't you worry about the uniqueness and outcome of the project I mean you are investing almost a 100 million on this project. This will be one of those biggest projects to be done within the industry. Yes the samples I have send you are one of a kind made by our lead designer, each work will be more and more beautiful than that. Ayee.. there is no way someone can deliver such designs faster than us in less budget. Yeah yeah pls take your time." Joshua holds the phone that has been put on hold by the other side. He taps the table to grab the attention of his assistant who was staring at the floor," Arrange my meeting with the designers at 3." Joshua informed his assistant and went back on call with the investor. "Yes Mr Hwang...." Joshua gestured his assistant to take a leave. After he left Joshua stared at his blank phone than towards the door. Let's start the game, shall we?

"Done with the report?" Jihoon asked to Dokyeom who seems to be heading somewhere.
"Yup completed yesterday only. Finally going to submit." Dokyeom replied lifting his hand that was holding the file to show Jihoon.
"Well good job then. Go on." Jihoon said while sliding to the side to let Dokyeom pass by. Dokyeom laughed at his brother's goofy way of giving him path way and moved on.

Knock, knock...
"May I come in? Dokyeom asked politely peeking half of his head inside the door."
"Yes, please." He got the simplest reply like he always do.Joshua was busy with his work in his PC. It was a habit of his, to reply without looking and Dokyeom was used to it.
" Report of yesterday's meeting." Dokyeom placed the file he brought on Joshua's table. Joshua replied with a humm. Joshua was busy with his work but he realised that Dokyeom was staring at him without a word. He finally looked up at the fellow's face and asked,
"Anything else?"
Dokyeom excitedly placed a sandwich wrapped with plastic wrap on his table.
"You didn't came down for lunch and you didn't asked for anything either. So I thought I might bring this for you. You must be hungry."
"If I feel like eating something I will just order a takeout Mr Lee Seokmin."
"Ohh... You remember my name."
"After me and my assistant you are the only person who comes to my cabin so often. It will be more concerning if I don't know your name" said Joshua.

"Still you shouldn't skip your meals because you are not hungry, you might end up being sick. Sir this entire company depends on you so your health matters the most." Joshua tried to find some mockery or sarcasm in Dokyeom's face but all he found was a simple smile that he can't quite comprehend. Joshua wanted to say something but couldn't find words. He just stayed there with no reaction,no reply.
"Well I'll get going sir. I hope you enjoy the sandwich." Dokyeom leaves the room and Joshua just can't catch what just happened a while ago.

"Yes Mr Hwang." Joshua was talking on phone with someone.
" it's fine I understand you had a reason to end call."
"I'm already thankful enough that you are willing to help me."
"Well it's business, to get something you have to trade something."
"Yes sir I'll be waiting for your reply sir."
Joshua ended his call with the supposed Mr Hwang. Joshua was cooking something up and for now only he himself and this supposed Mr Hwang was aware of this plan. It was already an evening time so he packed his belongings when his eyes landed on the wrapped sandwich at his desk. He didn't eat it. To be more precise he was not the sandwich kind of person. He looked at the sandwich for a while then finally picked it up. He then walked out of his cabin and headed towards the elevator.
From the vent he was able to see some employees still working and among them he also noticed Dokyeom. Suddenly he remembered the words of Dokyeom from that day, "It's lonely, isn't it? To work alone, specially at night." He took the elevator and left the office.

Joshua now was at his apartment. Yes, not at the luxurious Hong mansion where he was offered to live along with his newly claimed family, who were no-one more than strangers for Joshua but his personal apartment. The one that he bought with his own hard earned money doing modelling. He was already doing a lot of things he never wanted to but sharing a common space which he had to call home with strangers whom he is not fond of is where he drew the line.

Joshua was already freshened up ready to coze himself up in his space. It was one of those lucky days for him where he don't have to have meals with other people. Neither clients, nor company dinner. This was the first day in three weeks where he had a time for himself. He called it the weekend night. He was holding the plate with recently microwaved sandwich. He was about to throw the sandwich or give it to his assistants but for some reason he couldn't do either.

"Guess this is my dinner for tonight." He said to himself and took a bite of sandwich.
"It's not bad." A small smile escaped in his face as he took another bite of the sandwich.

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