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Felicity outfit ^

My family has been going to Susannah beach house in cousins every summer since we were babys. Since before Belly and I was born,all year long, we count the days until we are in that house. The dad's come to visit,but it's not their place. They don't belong to it. Not the way we do. The mother's and kids. The beach house is made up of a lot of things. The beach, the swimming pool late at night, movies with the movies and my twin sister belly, but the boys. The boys most of all. It's the same every summer I've always loved that about it. For me, everything good, everything magical happens between the months of June and August.

•   The twins Room

Felicity smiles looking at the picture on their shared mirror dresser. It was a pic of Jeremiah, belly, Felicity, Conrad and Steven. Felicity was smiling up at Conrad. She walked away going to her bed sitting on the floor.

Felicity starts to pack her cop tops, skirts, sundresses, pajamas and shorts while Olivia looked though her closet picking out her bikinis. Olivia puts the bikinis on the bed sitting down.

" Drew's bummed you're missing the beach mashup with the boys team next weekend." Taylor tells belly

" Uh, make sure you tell Sophia to square up for the block." Belly said annoying what Taylor said

Taylor give Felicity a is she serious look making Felicity laugh.

" Drew Martinez is texting me about you, and your taking about volleyball?" Taylor questions

" Like, are you serious right now?"

" Drew doesn't care if I'm there are not." Belly started

" He just wants a excuse to text you." Felicity finish teasingly.

Taylor rolled her eyes at the girl going back to her phone.

" And you better take this game against the seriously. I mean, team pride is on the line." Belly said

" please. You know me better than, I would never let a boy beat me at anything." Taylor assured.

Felicity used to play volleyball but she quit joining the cheer team.

" Yeah right, I don't believe that for one second." Olivia said giving her a look

" It's True."

" Mhm." Felicity mumbled packing her makeup bag

" I thought you were here to help me pack." Belly said eying the girl

Taylor sighed getting up from the bed." Here's a tip, don't bring that speedo."

" It doesn't do anything for your new body."

Felicity got comfortable wearing bikinis from the help of Olivia.

All Too Well ~ Conrad And Jeremiah Fisher Where stories live. Discover now