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Felicity outfit ^

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Felicity outfit ^

The Beach

The Three teens walked out the back door with their towels in hand. They being waking to the beach.

"Hey. Do you know our dad coming up the fourth." Felicity tells him

" Cool." Jeremiah replied

" Don't you think it's weird." Belly asked

" Not really, I love your dad." Jeremiah told the twins

" Yeah, but they've only been divorced for, like a year and a half." Felicity remindes sighing

" Well, that's what so cool about your mom, you know." Jeremiah said

" She doesn't give a shit."

Felicity scoffed " exactly. She doesn't give a shit because she's the one who wanted the divorced in the first place."

" I think if you don't want to get married, you shouldn't be married." Jeremiah stated

" well, tell that to our grandma. She basically collapsed when our mom told her." Belly said

" Do you know our dad has a new girlfriend already." Felicity says

" Well, what about your mom? Is she dating anybody?" Jeremiah asked

" Belly shakes her head " no."

" Oh, and he has a beard now." Felicity said

Jeremiah laughs " your dad has a beard."

" Yeah." Belly and Felicity nodded

" Yeah, he thinks it's makes him look cool." Belly said

" Well does it." Jeremiah asked

" Kinda of." Felicity said

The Three laughs

They stop at the beginning of the beach. Felicity smiled admiring the water

I've waited all year for this

" Want to race." Jeremiah asked the twins

Felicity and belly turned their heads quickly looking at Jeremiah " are kidding me. No way." Felicity decline as did belly

" Oh, come on." Jeremiah said

" No, no, I can't, you..."

" Your legs are too long now. I can't do that." Felicity said before dashing off towards the ocean

Belly and Jeremiah quickly followed after Felicity

" you cheater." Belly yelled out laughing

Jeremiah catch up to Felicity tackling her in the water. They are play fighting and splashing each other having fun. A few minutes later they out drying themselves off heading back to the beach house.

All Too Well ~ Conrad And Jeremiah Fisher Where stories live. Discover now