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Felicity outfit ^

Night Swim

Jeremiah and Steven are singing loudly in the bathroom. Felicity rolls her eyes and laughs walking down the stairs for a night swim. She sees Laurel on the couch with her phone.

" Night swim." Laurel asked

" Yeah."

" Hey, how many followers is a lot of followers on Instagram." Laurel questions

" Uh, is it somebody who's verified or not verified." Felicity questions her mother

" What's verified."

" Oh, my gosh mom." Felicity playful rolled her eyes

Felicity takes the her phone " oh, yeah, Olivia's dad was reading this guy's book. 150,000 followers is a lot, especially for a writer.

Laurel grabs the phone back " ok. thanks.

Felicity walked out of the house shutting the door behind her. She looked up to see Conrad sitting by the pool smoking a joint. Putting the towel on the chair and going to the pool diving in.

Felicity swims around a bit coming back up turning to Conrad

" I thought you said smoking pot changes the way your brain processes information." Felicity said

" so does your cell phone." He responded back

" You said marijuana messes with white matter." Felicity continues

" Do you even know what white matter is?" Conrad questions

" you said our brains are developing and that... Felicity got cut off by Conrad

" God, do you memorize every single thing that I said." Conrad sarcastically asked

Felicity rolls her eyes and scoffed" get over yourself."

" Conrad, you're the one who said that smoking dumb and real athletes don't put shits in their bodys." Felicity said

" I said a lot of stuff. And I'm not a athlete anymore, so... Conrad shrugged

" Well I think you should quit." Felicity inputs

" what'll you give me if I do." Conrad asked smirking

" Nothing. I think you should quit for yourself." Felicity said

" Hey, why are you guys considering this debutante thing." Conrad asked

" I don't know. It's not like we have anything else going on." Felicity answered

" But it's not you." Conrad says

" Don't let my mom make you guys her little dolls just because she never had daughters's."

" We don't mind." Felicity wawed him off

All Too Well ~ Conrad And Jeremiah Fisher Where stories live. Discover now