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Felicity outfit ^

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Felicity outfit ^

Back At the House And Dock

Felicity gets to the house going to the side grabbing her bike going to the front. She saw belly waiting with her bike.

" Cam invite you to." Felicity asked

" Yes." Belly said

Felicity nods as they got on their bikes riding off.

The wind blows through Felicity hair while her eyes is closed taking in the beautiful morning air. They arrived at the dock throwing their bikes down running to catch the boat.

Sometimes it kind of feels like no matter how hard I try, I just keep... Missing the boat.

The boat was already gone and the girls sighed waking back to their bikes riding home.

Beach House

" Do we really have to physically sit for our portraits." Jeremiah asked making eggs

" Can't she just, like, look at a picture on her phone or something?"

" Okay, get out." Jeremiah tells Steven who was looking over his shoulders

" What? why?" Steven asked

" She needs to see you in the flesh in order to capture your essence. While your still young and hopeful." Laurel explained sitting at the island with her laptop

The boys laughed

"Her words." Laurel smiles

" Well, Conrad does not have hope, actually. He's hopeless, but my hangover smoothie It cures all." Jeremiah said

" Can you please just hurry up?" Conrad said for the couch

" Just go back to bed, alright?" Jeremiah tells him

" All right, seriously, Steven, get out." Jeremiah said getting annoyed with Steven

" Come on."

" This is a delicate science, and your heavy breathing is going to break the yolk." Jeremiah said

" Okay, okay, okay. Steven backed off

" She hasn't painted you since you were little. I think It'd be nice to have these portraits for when you're older." Laurel said

" Old. No. Steven starts

" When I'm older, I'm sure there'll be, like, like, holograms or something I can watch of my self, you know?" Steven says

Jere turns on the blender

" Just sit for your portraits. I don't see Conrad complaining." Laurel pointed out

" He'll complain when he's conscious." Jeremiah tells Laurel walking into the living room

" Hey. Here." Jeremiah gives him the drink

All Too Well ~ Conrad And Jeremiah Fisher Where stories live. Discover now