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Same outfit

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Same outfit


The Felicity and belly finally made it to the beach after a painful walk. Jumper notice the girls walking up to them.

" Yo. Gas station girl." Jumper called out

" Hey. Where are you coming from." Jumper asked

" Uh, a-another party." Felicity lied

" Sweet. Yeah. Hey. Here, take my beer." Jumper offers

" No, no, no. Thanks. We're okay." Felicity decline

" So, uh- you got a boyfriend back home?" Jumper asked

Belly rolled eyes

Will this boy ever take a hint


At that moment Felicity saw Steven walking by with a girl, she couldn't be more happy getting out of this awkward situation.

" Steven." Felicity called out to him

" What are you doing here? And I-l'm sorry what are you wearing?" Steven questions

" I invited them. Who the fuck are you?" Jumper asked trying to grab Felicity as she moves away from him

" I'm their brother. Their fifteen you pedo." Steven sneered

" My bad." Jumper says holding his hands up leaving

" Felicity, Belly." Come on." Steven said grabbing them

" What are you doing." Felicity asked

" Will let me go." Felicity said

" Steven, let us go." Belly said trying to let  losse her arm

" What are you doing?" No." Steven replied

" You're embarrassing me." Steven said

" Why am I embarrassing?" Felicity asked annoyed

" Quit embarrassing yourself. are you kidding me? Steven said

Felicity yanked her arm hard from his grip losing her balance falling on the sand floor.

"Are you okay." Steven asked

Felicity slaps his hand away standing up quickly brushing of her dress and sweater. She started at the couple in front of her.

" I thought you hated the red sox." Felicity states crossing her arms

" Who are you?" Nicole asked

" Who are you?" Felicity said with a attitude

" Nicole. Conrad and I went to the deb Ball together last summer." Nicole explained

" Its after you guys left to take Steven to look at colleges." Conrad added

All Too Well ~ Conrad And Jeremiah Fisher Where stories live. Discover now