Seven. Atsushi

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"Yes, what do you need?" This was the worst timing possible, I'd been on this stakeout for three days now and had nothing to show for it. I'd finally managed to tail two guys and follow them back to their main base of operations.

"Is that how you greet everyone who calls you?" My heart dropped immediately.

"Ane-san, I apologise. I'm just incredibly busy right now." By busy I meant racing through hallways trying to find a decent hiding spot until I located the boss of this mini organisation.

"Yes I'm aware, you haven't returned in nearly three days now. But I need you to return immediately." You had got to be kidding me. I wasn't about to throw away all the work I'd done over the past few days.

"Ane-san with all due respect I have spent multiple days on this operation, you can't expect me to throw away all that work?" I heard her sigh on the other end, I knew she'd understand.

"I would let you continue but this order came from the top." Dammit. From the Boss! This wasn't going to go the way I wanted.

"Why does the Boss want me back?" I could hear people's voices from along the hallway, I had a couple minutes before they would notice me.

"I am not allowed to disclose that, but you are needed by tomorrow." Perfect. It was roughly midnight, if I managed to get this mission done quickly I could be back in Yokohama by three.

"I will be back at headquarters by three tomorrow. Is that okay?" Kouyou must have been on loud speaker as I could hear someone's complaints in the background, although their voice wasn't too clear. With a saddened sigh she spoke again.

"You have till four, any later and you're at his mercy." His mercy? What was that supposed to mean? I didn't get a chance to question that as Kouyou had ended the call and two guards had rounded the corner. Shit.


It had been an hour and they were still on high alert. I should have just killed those two when I had the chance. But now I was stuck in this dusty ventilation system with my only exit onto a main hallway where guards were patrolling every couple of minutes.

"The kid fled, I'm telling you. I bet they'll give up this high alert within the next couple hours." A guard had complained to his co-worker as he walked past the guard. Within the next couple hours!? I was ,so, going to be late back. May as well get comfortable. It was going to be a long wait. I should have brought that notebook I'd been writing in the past couple months, it had been a gift from Gin after she'd realised that I was stationed nearby to her within the Black Lizard. Whatever that was.


"ALL STAFF ARE TO RETURN TO THEIR REGISTERED STATIONS!" A woman's voice broke out over the intercom. Finally! I'd been stuck here for three hours, those guards lied. I nearly fell asleep before that voice went off.

After all the talking the guards had been doing I had a vague idea of where the Boss was located. After sneaking out the vent, now covered in dust, I made my way to the main control room. It was hardly guarded, well it wasn't guarded anymore thanks to me. After quickly glancing over the security footage I could make out an oldish man sitting in an office in one of the cameras. Bingo.

Using my ability to make my way to the office in record speed I realised this was too easy. No guards outside his office? No security cameras guarding the entrance?

I didn't have time to question further, it was already three in the morning and I was expected back in less than an hour. Which wasn't going to happen any time soon.

I quickly opened the door, sadly I was met with an unwelcoming bullet to the face. Which landed me on my back.

"Bullseye!" Exclaimed one of the men.

"Nice shot, he won't be getting up anytime soon. Actually, make that never." Another guard laughed in amusement. He was correct, a bullet through the eye should have killed me. Sadly my ability cut their work short. The bullet had only gone through my eye and stopped there, my brain was perfectly intact which was the main priority.

I pulled myself up annoyed at my now one sided vision, the group of men before me began to panic at my sudden revival. They should have reacted quicker.

A blade to each of their throats ended that panic very quickly. One of the men was still alive croaking as the blood fell from his neck, I should have done a deeper cut.

"What are you..." He croaked out, I don't know why he bothered. He was going to die soon. I reached into my now blind eye and ,despite the small tinge of pain I had ,removed the bullet. My face began to heal soon after, thank goodness it did, I did not like being half sighted.

I smiled, dropping the bullet to the ground."Call me Lucifer."

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