Fifty-eight. Atsushi

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Not now. Not ever. Kyouka will not spill blood on her unstained hands.

I'd promised her mother that I wouldn't let her fall into the darkness, my soul had already been stained with years upon years of spilled blood. My blood ran as black as anyone else in the Mafia.

But just as I'd approached the man who'd ruined such an important occasion for our family he fell limp to the ground. It wasn't Kyouka, her blade only had a slight trace of blood from him cutting his neck against the blade earlier. She hadn't moved to stab him in a different way either.

But as I saw the retracting black material I'd realised who'd done it, I would never have thought in all these years since he'd stepped into the light he'd taint that with the blood of another.

"Akutagawa!?" Kunikida hollered at him, however Ryu looked unfazed. I imagine Kunikida had yet to know of Ryu's younger years.

"What?" He questioned with such innocence, he spoke like he'd only squashed a bug.

"You just killed someone!?" I imagine it would be better to explain this to him another time, I turned to the crowds of people who'd upturned their tables in the panic to hide away from the gun fire.

"Everyone can return to how we were, this situation has been resolved. No one else will come to harm." Just as everyone had begun to return their tables to their initial places the pink haired woman from earlier scrambled to her feet and began to shout orders.

"Kill them! KILL THEM ALL!" She hollered as she hid behind one of the soldiers. However, it was futile.

Before a single soldier could begin to fire at anyone she dropped dead where she stood, my hand now had the staining of crimson running along the crevices.

"Starting now." I finished as I quickly made my way to the bathrooms to prevent the blood from staining my hand.


"You know you should be more careful." Ryu complained as he made his way into the bathroom, I was still trying to wash away the blood which was stubbornly clinging to my skin.

"I was plenty careful, also Kyouka was in the line of fire. If I hadn't acted quickly we would have more than two dead bodies on our hands." The thought crossing my mind brought shivers to my body, this was precisely why I didn't want her knowing. Why it was better to leave her in the dark.

Ryu must have noticed my action as he gently hugged me from behind, it was a comfort I needed right now. Everyone was fine, despite Chuuya and Osamu's wedding being slightly ruined I'm sure they were fine with it. The two always enjoyed a little entertainment.

Once I'd turned the tap off I drew my focus to Ryu, I slowly turned around so his gaze could meet with mine.

"Aren't you worried that Kyouka won't trust you after murdering someone right in front of her?" He questioned as he slowly cupped my face, I melted into the touch with a soft smile on my face.

"Not really, she's aware of my ability. I trained her to use Demon Snow, although if she wanted nothing to do with me I'd be okay with it. She's not a child, she can make her own decisions. After all we're only family by word, not by blood." Ryu gave a saddened sigh in agreement.

"Then does that make Gin any less of a sister to you?" This immediately caught my attention, I grasped at his hand at his statement.

"Of course not! She will always be my sister, she doesn't have to be blood related for that." I slowly realised my words and how much of a hypocrite I sounded. Ryu had a smirk plastered on his face at my realisation. I turned my face away in annoyance which caused a small laugh to escape his lips.

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