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The other survivors feared In Seong and Eun Yoo after what happened to Mr. Kim. According to what Dae Hyun told In Seong after he woke up, two days later, mind you, the soldiers found him and Eun Yoo on the tracks. The soldiers honestly thought In Seong and Eun Yoo were dead alongside Mr. Kim. They were shocked to find pulses.

It was unclear after that what would happen to In Seong and Eun Yoo. Dae Hyun filled them both in on what was spoken about when he went to check on In Seong. He found Tak and Young Hoo speaking outside of the infirmary about what to do with In Seong and Eun Yoo. Eun Yoo had woken up and was refusing to talk. They were waiting on In Seong to wake up to get the full story. But they were also discussing what to do with them.

They were barred at murderers. They had found one of In Seong's knives on his chest. It looked like someone tried to wipe it clean but got spooked and stopped.

However, Chief Ji got involved, allowing In Seong and Eun Yoo to stay, despite their stories about what actually happened.

Now, In Seong and Eun Yoo weren't telling the real story, and they weren't currently talking to each other either. Well, it was more Eun Yoo not speaking to In Seong. In Seong had yet to tell Eun Yoo why he protected her back there – he wasn't sure how she was going to take it. Hearing that her brother wanted In Seong to watch her would probably be the blow that Eun Yoo didn't need.

The only thing that In Seong knew was something tied this red fabric around his wrist. He didn't know how it happened, but Eun Yoo had the same one. In Seong wasn't sure where it came from, but he didn't plan on taking it off any time soon. It was almost an identifier. 

In Seong walked down one of the halls with a trick knife in hand. He was playing with it as he walked. The clinking sound of the handle of the knife hitting In Seong's knuckles echoed. In Seong didn't mind the sound, people already feared him, why not show off a few tricks?

In Seong stumbled backward when someone grabbed the hood of his hoodie. In Seong was shoved up against the wall, the knife he was previously playing with by his throat. It turned out to be just Eun Yoo wanting to talk to him after almost two weeks of silence between them. The others were wondering when Eun Yoo and In Seong would speak again, especially Jin Ok, acting like the worried mother between three children.

In Seong glanced down at the blade of the knife before looking back at Eun Yoo. "You've been learning." In Seong smirked.

Eun Yoo's eyes narrowed, pressing the blade closer to his throat. "Why'd you follow me?"

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