Chapter Thirteen: Valuable Chit Chat

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A/N: I'm so sorry I keep leaving you guys hanging, and I can't promise it won't keep happening but I did want to keep true to my promise and post this chapter so yeah. I barely spent any time writing this cause I wanted to push it out, so I'll be editing it sometime.. idk when. Anyways, enjoy!


        "Alright so what are our poll numbers?" Zed asked. He had seemed to be growing more and more anxious as the election progressed, not that it didn't make sense, it was just weird seeing him like this, especially since he has a lot riding on his back. And we definitely didn't win over the wolves, hopefully my chat with Wyatt helped win him, at least. Maybe he even talked to Willa about it... or maybe I'm just too hopeful.

        Bonzo said something in Zombie, I have yet to learn the language, which made Zed sigh.

        "We just gotta make sure you deliver a killer speech tomorrow, okay?" Eliza relieved him, or tried to. I voiced my agreement.

        "So the first step is-"

       "More glossy public shots," Zed interrupted. I sighed, seabrook seemed to really be wearing off on him, especially as of the election.

        "No, Zed, making more humanly posters totally go against what you're trying to stand for," I sighed,

        "Yeah, she's right. We're trying to fight for zomb- I mean, monster rights. What you're doing is totally masking that with a false sense of reality," Eliza agreed.

        "I may look a little human, but it's working. People are lumping werewolves and zombies together. I gotta show them that I'm nothing like those furballs."

        "I'm just saying I think it's a bad idea," Eliza mumbled, she didn't want Zed to hear, but she didn't care if he did.

        "And what's so wrong with the werewolves anyways? Yes, I understand, they did threaten us but they could be valuable allies. I hate them just as much as you do, but maybe it's time to put differences aside and use the hatred and discrimination against werewolves to our advantage. There are an over flooding of wolves in the school, just think of how many votes that could be."

        "Whatever, Y/N, you're just saying that because of your new boyfriend. You've gone soft," Zed replied in a snarky tone. I scrunched my eyebrows, stopping my walk. Zed and others stopped too.

        "What are you talking about? I don't have a boyfriend. And if I did I don't understand how that would be related to the conversation we're having."

        "You're not that dull, Y/N. You know who I'm talking  about." 

        "No, I d-" my face switched from confused to flushed in an instant. "He is not my boyfriend! I hate him and the rest of those wolves! I have barely had any conversation with him enough to even slightly tolerate him- or any of them! Fuck you and fuck the wolves! I'm leaving."

        Zed's aura appeared as if he couldn't care less about what I just said, if anything, he thought it was funny. "Sure sure. And that's why you make love eyes at him whenever you two walk past each other."

        "I hate to say it, Y/N, but it's almost worst than Addison and Zed when the first liked each other," Eliza piped it. To that I dropped my jaw. Not her too... 

        "What happened to wanting to putting our differences aside?" Zed smirked. He knew what he was doing, and it was pissing me off... but also maybe working.. MAYBE.

        "I- just ... bye."

        "Oh! Y/N, I totally forgot to tell you, Wyatt did say he wanted to talk to you today. In that little space near the bathrooms," Zed said. Oh. My. Gosh. I knew exactly where he was talking about. Beside the bathrooms, there was this little nook in the wall, a lot of people used it to make out, just thinking about that made my cheeks turn a dusty pink. 

        "W-when did he say that?"

          "Yeah it was a whole thing. I passed him in the hall the other day and he kept asking me about you. Then today, after you apologized or whatever, he asked to talk to you and wanted to know a good private place, so I told him about that spot." I was flabbergasted. I looked at Eliza, who seemed to be just as confused as I was.


        "No. I was kidding. Do you see what I mean though!? You totally have the hots for him. I mean you were practically drooling over the mention of you two in a private space together. Alone."

       "Thanks for wasting my valuable time with this stupid conversation, Zed."

        "Of course. Let me know if you need to again."


A/N: well that was the quickest chapter I've ever done. I'm kinda into the beginning of the chapter but I'm not feeling so hot about the end of it. Lmk what you guys think- should I change it or nah? Also happy New Years!!! Wishing y'all a successful new year full of good vibes only <33 

Byyeee!!! 😘 

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