[1] Got A Slay Job In A Murder Mall

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You walked down the street, Fazbear flyer in hand; today was the day. You got sick and tired of your old job, and you wanted action! Luckily, on your way to work a few weeks back, you had found a flyer from the Mega Pizzaplex, stating that they were hiring for a night guard. Just today, you had decided to go and ask them. During the few weeks after you found it, you had been mentally preparing yourself, as well as trying to figure out what to say in the interview.

You pushed your way through the glass doors of the mall, seeing the large number of S.T.A.F.F bots rolling around as well as a few Map Bots. Speaking of Map Bot, one just rolled up to you, gently taking a map from its fanny pack looking map holder and holding it out.

"Take a map," it said as it held the map in front of you, kind of like an offering.

You gently took the map from it before it bowed a little and rolled away. Honestly, you were kind of impressed. It wasn't really the action that surprised you, but more the way it did it. It seemed like it was giving you a gift rather than handing you a map. Honestly, the way it did it made you feel like a superior being.

You opened your map, seeing the layout of the floor you here currently on. You quickly managed to find your desired location before you walked off to go apply. You passed by crowds of kids, parents and teens as well as a few bots while you were on your way to customer service. You got shoved quite a bit as you navigated through the sea of people, each attempting to go to their own destinations.

Eventually you found yourself at customer service, making you tighten your grip on both the flyer and the map you had in your hands. You stepped closer and cleared your throat to get someone's attention. A girl with freckles, long brown hair and dull blue eyes came into view. An obviously fake smile was on her face as she looked at you.

"Hi, welcome to Fazbear Entertainment's Mega Pizzaplex customer service, how can I help?" Her voice sounded like one of those pre-recorded audio logs for customer service phone calls.

You cleared your throat once more before placing the flyer down on the counter, pushing it in her direction slightly. You of course made sure to check that she could read it, instead of it being upside-down before giving your own forced smile.

"Hi, I saw that you guys were looking for a night guard, and I'm here to apply," you said in the kindest voice you could muster.

The girl's fake smile diminished a little, making you a bit scared of what she is about to say, "I'm sorry. Someone already got to the job before you." 

Your own fake smile faded, leaving you looking at the girl with a blank face. You quickly replied with an 'Oh, I see', before taking away the flyer. Why had you gotten your hopes up? You knew you most likely wouldn't get the job since you waited so long to apply, so why would you attempt it with the expectation of getting it?

The girl hesitated before huffing and caving into whatever she was thinking about. Her fake smile was long gone now, replaced with a tiny genuine one.

"Wait Mx, there is actually an open job you can get, however it requires you to have a lot of energy." She scavenged around in a few filing cabinets before handing you a small blue card.

You gingerly took it from her hands and looked away from her to check the card. 'Superstar Daycare', it read in blue under a rainbow. 'Daycare Pass' was written in orange underneath it. A picture of a cartoonish sun character was on the left while a cartoonish moon character was on the right. In the background of the card there were clouds and stars decorating it, giving it a pleasant look.

You look up to the girl, seeing her holding out a Fazwatch. It was circular and had orange spikes surrounding the watch. It appeared to be a sun-themed watch with a blue and slightly paler blue striped strap.

 It appeared to be a sun-themed watch with a blue and slightly paler blue striped strap

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[visual example for those who can't imagine things very well [basically me lol]]

You looked back to the girl, seeing her look at you in anticipation. You don't know what she was waiting for, did she want you to get her kid or something? She said something about a job but gave you a card to go get her kid.

"What's this for?" Your tone was more harsh than intended, but then again, you were a bit upset for her not saying anything about the job.

"Oh! Right! The job is the Daycare Manager. You don't have to fill anything out; all you need to do is be good with kids. Of course, there is the exception of you being good with adrenaline, but we don't talk about that," the female muttered the last bit, most likely hoping you didn't hear. Sadly, you did.

Daycare Manager? It seems like a big spot though. Unless this job just recently opened you were skeptical about accepting. Why would someone choose a night guard job instead of a Manager?

"How much is the pay?" You noticed the skepticism was clear in your voice but you didn't bother to do anything about it.

"Around 350 to 500 an hour," she replied, clearly picking up on your tone.

Your eyes widened in shock, three hundred and fifty an hour?! [I know nothing about payments lmao] You honestly didn't expect that. You heard Fazbear Entertainment was cheap so you honestly didn't expect this.

"Would you like to take the job?" She asked, her voice hopeful.

You nodded slowly. Sadly, you have no idea what you just got yourself into. There was no backing down from this, no turning back or choosing a different path. This is your fate, and you shall bear it upon your shoulders.

She smiled widely, a genuine smile of happiness on her face. "Thank you so much! You have no idea how understaffed we are."

She then took her time to show you how to use the watch. Turns out you had a full map of the Mega Pizzaplex, along with a messaging app, access to cameras, a notes app, and more. She then saved her own Faz-number into your watch to test it. This is where you realized she was the boss. She formally introduced herself as Jessica and sent you a quick message to make sure your watch worked.


Jessica (Your Boss)
It's working, yeah?
Jeez, I hope it does.

Yeah, It's working.

You smiled as you looked up at your new boss. She seemed a lot friendlier than your old boss, hopefully it stays that way. Jessica directed you to the daycare and said that the Daycare Attendant will give you the Manager card in exchange for the card she had already given you. Making sure that you note the difference between the Pick-up Pass and Daycare Pass.

Jessica said your hours were Monday to Friday from 7:30AM to 12:00AM and that you started tomorrow. You accepted these times, considering the pay, and bid her farewell, ready to go home and get some sleep for your first day.

Shining Midnight Skies [Moon x Gender Neutral Reader]Where stories live. Discover now