[12] The Boogie Man's Acting Strange

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Have my funni ass wallpaper cuz I'm changing it. Lmfao


The lights recently had shut off for the night, and Moon had woken up just a few hours ago. He was extremely silent ever since he had turned on and that slightly worried you. Sure, Moon was more on the less talkative side of things, but this was a bit too much. You attempted to talk to Moon, to at least make sure he was alright before you left for the end of your shift.

Moon just stared off into the distance. You began thinking that maybe you had not repaired something correctly, or perhaps something was damaged internally. You'd have to bring Moon back to Parts and Service to do a system scan, but you don't know how he'd react to that. Especially considering the last attempt.

You didn't want to work overtime, but you also didn't want to leave Moon tonight if he was potentially broken still. It was your job to care for the daycare attendant, and you didn't do a very good job in doing that for Sun. 

You at least wanted to leave tonight, knowing that Moon felt as fine as he could get in the situation he was put in. The problem with this, was that you had zero idea how to approach Moon to ask him about this, let alone bring him back to Parts and Service—the place he seemed to dislike the most.

You stole a glance at the star animatronic, to see him staring idly at the neatly towered stack of three barrels, a faraway look in his eyes. This worried you even more. Did Moon have more broken than you initially thought? If he did then this was serious. The daycare needed a daycare attendant, even If that daycare attendant was a naptime animatronic.

This however got you thinking once more. If Moon was broken more than initially thought, then what would this mean for his personality. He's already acting extremely off, so how would you mentioning that he needed to go back to parts and service effect him?

You really didn't want to find out, but this was your job as the daycare manager. They had good pay and good enough hours, you barely needed to do any work during the day besides look after the kids—although lately it's been different than expected. This was a job you needed to keep, meaning you had to take care of Moon.

You took a deep breath, hoping to whatever Fazbear gods there were, to make sure Moon didn't maim you to death, and strutted over to the crouched animatronic. The closer you got, the more you realized Moon idly made random ticks, and whirrs, hopefully meaning most of him was working correctly.

Soon enough, you were standing right beside the crouched, eight foot, Moon-themed, daycare attendant animatronic. The entire way to him from the security desk didn't draw the slightest bit of attention from him, meaning, he just kept staring at the three stacked barrels, right in front of his face.

You cleared your throat in an attempt to get his attention, failing miserably when it doesn't work. You didn't want to touch him, in fear of him lashing out, or that the physical contact would set something off. You were walking on eggshells around him. Desperately trying to figure out a solution, while also making sure you were safe.

You were hesitant to speak up, despite you doing it multiple times already. This was different. This was you asking him to accede to you bringing him to Parts and Service—a place that he most likely hated with all of his being.

Despite you being fearful, you spoke up. "Moon?" you said in a whisper, hoping your voice breaking the silence would snap him out of it.


No response. It didn't work. You tried again, this time a bit louder.

"Moon, are you there buddy? I just need to know if you're ok." Your voice was shaky, desperately trying to hold itself together.


Still no response.

You were worried for your—hopefully—new friend. Sure you didn't know him that much, but you obviously knew enough, to the point of being absolutely sure that this was not right at all.

"Moonpie?" You speak up again, hoping to at least gain a flicker of a glance in your direction, a break in his eye contact with the barrels.

This time, Moon blinked. This made you hopeful as you saw his posture straighten up from its slouched form, the soft jingling of bells coming to your senses, filling the endless silence from before.

Moon glanced at you, making you hyper-focused of your fidgeting of clothing. You two stared at each other for a small while, before Moon spoke up in his usual raspy voice.

"What do you want, brat?"

You had never been more relieved to hear, what would sound like a man hyped up on smokes if he was human. Sure, what he said was mean, but you thought of it as him still not trusting you much.

 Sure you two had talked that one time, but that was mainly because you kept bugging him and he most likely wanted to shut you up.

"Are you ok? You spaced out for a few hours, just staring at the barrels. You didn't respond to my voice or anything until just now," you responded, voice laced in worry.

Moon scoffed. "Tch. Don't be so nosy."

That made you slightly upset, hearing his response but nevertheless, backed off the topic. It was silent for a while as you contemplated what to say to continue the conversation, that was until you had remembered you had to leave, as your shift had ended a while ago.

"Hey, Moon, I'm going to head home for the night. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"

Moon was silent for a while after your proclaim before responding. "Sure. See you later today."

Shining Midnight Skies [Moon x Gender Neutral Reader]Where stories live. Discover now