[17] Why Couldn't It Be Mini Golf?

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Moon stared at you for a second before turning away and walking off to the dance floor. Due to you not wanting to be left alone, you followed him.

The beaming of lights the dance floor was blinding you, making your eyes hurt the more you stayed in the room. "Bye DJ!" You called out, getting a small save back in response.

As soon as you and Moon got back to the daycare you heard him growl. "Listen shit. You'd better stay away."

You wanted to ask about what he asked but was too late as he had already left, flying into the air and leaving you. One second he wants you, the next he doesn't. Moon, what the hell is going on?

You sighed, knowing the doors were already locked by now. You might as well get some food in your stomach while you're here.

You left the daycare, feeling the sharp glow of Moon's eyes on your back as you left, making you feel slightly uncomfortable, but attempted to ignore it.

It was eerily silent as you silently made your way to El Chips. Not even music to accompany you—Quite rude if you ask me.

The worst part? The entire time you felt like you were being watched from all angles. It sent shivers down your spine, as you walked through the twisting corridors and rooms of the Mega Pizzaplex.

A sudden tight hand on your shoulder sent you into fight or flight mode, making you scream and shove it off. You jumped forwards as it slid off, making sure to get out of arms reach before you turned around to meet face to face with the person who snuck up on you.

To your surprise, your gaze was met with a shit-ton of green with a hint of faded yellow. your gaze trailed up the body of a metal alligator. meeting eye-to-eye with a familiar mascot. Oh hell no.

You're screwed if you had made this guy mad. Montgomery Gator stood before you, a sharp glare staring through your soul, as his star shaped glasses were pulled slightly down.

"Who might you be Lil' pipsqueak?" He asked, his voice a mix of raggedly harsh, and smooth.

Shit. Had you been caught?

"U-Uhm... I'm [name]... I work with the daycare attendant?" Was that the right thing to say?

You felt his gaze scan you, a soft tingling sensation covering your body as he does it. As soon as he stopped you saw him relax slightly and his gaze soften.

"Well did'ja get locked in here?"

"Huh..?" you stood confused. Did this guy not think you were trespassing, or breaking in here? "U-uhm.. Yeahh," you lie.

"Well, it's quite dangerous bein' out 'ere alone. Come with. I was jus heading to Bonnie Bowl."

"Well I kinda wanna get foo-,"

"C'mon, it'll be fun."

"Wh-what about golf? I'm not feeling up to-"

"let's go pipsqueak."

Monty grabbed your arm shoving you along. Damn. Rude much?

Shining Midnight Skies [Moon x Gender Neutral Reader]Where stories live. Discover now