[13] Work, Work, Work, Weekend, Wor-! Wait, What-

201 16 16

Words: 572

My co-workers are creating a cult. Send help ASAP-


You woke up today, feeling good and refreshed. You don't know if it was because of your sleep or something you did yesterday but you felt good today. hopefully this good feeling stays the entire day so you'd have an energetic and happy personality to put on for the kids today.

The sound of your Fazwatch pinging made you confused on who would message you. Surely not Vanessa, right?


❗you have 2 messages from JESSICA.



Jessica (Your Boss)
Hey, just thought I'd congratulate
you on getting through your first week!

Sorry that Moon broke Sun almost
immediately though. He's never done
that before.

Thanks, I was just about to head
in for my shift.

Jessica (Your Boss)
It's the weekend. You're not in on the

Really? I thought I had a few days left.

Jessica (Your Boss)
Nope! Your work must've made time fly.

Yeah, thanks for telling me, Jess.

Jessica (Your Boss)
No problem [name]

So that explains your happy mood.... huh? No wonder you're feeling more happier, the weekend is here. That brings both good news and bad news. Good news is that you can just relax without work now. The bad news is that you had told Moon that you'd see him today.

This brings upon two options: The first being to go to work for free, to hang out with Moon and not face his potential wrath; or the second option, stay home and risk a potentially angry Moon for not coming.

you were torn between the two. You wanted to connect with Moon but at the same time you also wanted to just relax. You honestly didn't really feel like hanging out with a load of kids today. This thought brought up another thought though.

If Moon is there alone then would Vanessa harm him again? You obviously didn't want that. You glanced at your bed, the cozy warm blankets beckoning you to climb back in. You inwardly groaned. your sure Moon could last one day with the kids by himself. you'll go back tomorrow.

You climbed into your bed, feeling the fuzzy texture of your [favorite character] plushy.

The sounds of the birds chirping outside lulled you to sleep quickly because before you knew it you were already knocked out.


The notification pinging sound from your Fazwatch woke you, making you rub your eyes with the base of your palm. Who would be messaging you now? Did Jessica want to ask something of you? However, once you saw the notification you sprang up from your bed. Shit, you forgot Sun had given you his and Moon's contacts!


❗you have 7 messages from MOON.



Darling little Starbite, may I ask.
ˢᵉⁿᵗ ᵃᵗ ⁹:¹⁵ᴬᴹ

You said you would come today, and
yet it's already hours after the time you
usually come over. Where are you?
ˢᵉⁿᵗ ᵃᵗ ⁹:³⁵ᴬᴹ

I'm getting impatient here Starbite.
ˢᵉⁿᵗ ᵃᵗ ¹⁰:⁵⁴ᴬᴹ

Starbite, I'm getting worried. You haven't
answered or seen any messages.
ˢᵉⁿᵗ ᵃᵗ ²:⁰⁶ᴾᴹ

Starbite please respond. The daycare is
closed now, are you ok?
ˢᵉⁿᵗ ᵃᵗ ⁵:²⁹ᴾᴹ

Starbite please...
ˢᵉⁿᵗ ᵃᵗ ⁷:¹⁹ᴾᴹ

Please don't leave me.
ˢᵉⁿᵗ ᵃ ᶠᵉʷ ᵐᶦⁿᵘᵗᵉˢ ᵃᵍᵒ

Shit- Moon I'm sory! I fell aseellp!
Jess said that I'm off for the weekend!!

What the hell were you doing?! I've been
contacting you constantly! I thought you
fucking died! Where the hell are you?!

I've been asleep all day! i'm sorry

Get over here!


You got up, quickly getting ready and bolting to the door, hoping to get to the daycare as fast as possible. You knew you should've gone to work. You wondered how much Moon had worried about you. The messages he sent went from him being pissed to him not wanting you to leave him really quickly.


Shining Midnight Skies [Moon x Gender Neutral Reader]Where stories live. Discover now