CH-1. A good day needs a bad day

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I still vividly remember the day I met him, it was first time i layed my eyes on him and my eyes got stuck for a minute or two. At that time i thought I must have seen him somewhere. Somewhere I couldn't remember. I ignored the feeling because I thought I was mistaken. At first time we were just tuition mates but I didn't knew from which point we started to become something more. As far as I remember the incident when I was standing at a tough point of my life.

It was a good day and Wednesday, my life was interesting because of my stupidness. They said Troubles chases me but no, I chased the trouble. Weird, right? I stepped out of my house, the weather was so good and heart warming. And it was as peaceful as a peaceful second before the thunderstorm. I pulled out my leg for a pedal on my bicycle. Then, I suddenly remembered that I forget to take my phone. Not my own to be precise, it's my mothers. My school didn't allow but still as you know, some students always have the audacity. And I was not much brave but sometimes i get so courageous that me myself doesn't know when to stop.

Many things had happened in this one month. I was feeling nostalgic. My birthday was near and my birthday blues were getting worse. I had no expectations from anyone because I knew that no one actually cares if it's my birthday or expire date. And the most important, expectation kills happiness.

I was at fault, I knew. Third period was going on, I sat beside Sneha and Anjali Ma'am is their class teacher. Ma'am turned her pages to her last taught pages. I was using my phone inside my bag. Sneha was so alarmed but was enjoying the whole moment. I took a photo of the blackboard and smiled at myself. I thought that she will not get caught. I clicked a picture of Krristi, one of my friend, when I turned back to address a student. She stumbled but did the work. It was like I was to get caught but I escaped my death. But then also I wanted to die so bad that I again tried and succeeded. She grinned but her smile soon vanished when she heard Soutrik, one of her class mates saying, "Miss, she is clicking pictures". She panicked and hides her phone in the business studies book which was in front of her. Ma'am raised her brows and questioned and that's when her throat went numb and her brain was malfunctioning. She shuttered, "What are you saying? What pictures?" Her book was soon snatched, she was afraid of the consequence that was about to take place but it was too late to prevent the mishap. Her phone was been taken away but she thought about what will she reply to her parents? What she will say? She pleaded to be forgiven but her class teacher never listened. She was determined to give it to the Principal. Krristi wrote a letter and handed it to Ma'am. For a second, Radha was overwhelmed and impressed but it was soon shattered when she got to know that he wrote the letter not for her, but for himself because his bracelet was taken away. Now, all this was of no use.

In lunch time, Radha asked Soutrik, "Why did you do that?" She burst out, maybe it was a small thing for others but for her it was disastrous, "What are you serious? You did all this because you thought that I was clicking your pictures? Who are you? And on What basis did you decide? ".

Soutrik defended, "Sania gave you a thumbs up. And so I thought." Radha answered, "What you thought? Sania did that because she simps me and Krristi together and that's all." Radha knew Soutrik cheated on Tanisha for Sania and he left Sania. Whole day she thought about how she could survive without much harm? After school hours, she thought to meet the Principal. She was anxious of her personality. She is very manipulative.

When she entered her room, chills ran own her spine, her aura was so calculative, her hands were trembled but she hold it tight for support. Principal fired, "Why did you bought the phone? And also clicked pictures?" She politely said while looking down at the floor, "I bought it because I needed to inform my parents that I have reached school safely." She told many things that hurted her very bad, she never disrespected the Principal. And at the end of the conversation it became so difficult for her to stand there. But why? The humiliation was so much for her. What she did was wrong but how could she be so wrong that she deserved that much humiliation? Principal said, "Bring your parents tomorrow. I want to talk to them." She stormed out of the room; she was glad that she told her best friend, Jessica not to wait outside the school premises. She was glad that she told her to go because it might have taken too long. While sobbing, and with tears in her eyes she went out and took her bicycle. She wanted to cry loud but she couldn't.

She reached home with no phone and no words were coming for any explanation. How could she describe her condition? She knew that this is just the start of the series of pain. She told her mother everything but she was afraid of the unknown. She knew tomorrow would be long. She thought to sleep but sleep was not in her luck that night.

"As time heals everything,

Can I forget this chapter of my life?

Was I deserved to be so ashamed of myself?

To the point that I thought to never exist."


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