CH-7. Dead butterflies.

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You all might call it a coincidence but there were many times where my dreams came true. Here I'm not talking about the dream we see with open eyes. I'm talking about the dreams that we see while we are fast asleep. I also first tried to deny the truth and the results were of no good. Everytime I wanted to be a true friend to him but the universe made me dream otherwise. I always thought that it was just liking and when from liking it became the thing which I was most afraid and brave about the word letter word that the whole world talks about- LOVE. To be honest, in past, I have maybe silly crushes and I thought he was also a silly crush of mine and it was a small secret. I would never want to ruin these friendship with a mere attraction. I was unsure about my own emotions so I never told about this to anyone, not even Jessica .

Today I woke up with the strangest dream ever, it was a windy place where I could feel safe even though the place was dark but strangely I was not afraid. It was a Ghat, the river was shining even though there was no source of light. I saw a person sitting near the shore. It felt like I knew him very well. Without wasting anymore second, I approached him and sat beside him. Though his face was blurred but the familiarity made me wonder who it might be.
He uttered few words," How are you holding up to life?"
I smiled and thought, isn't this such a easy question but me myself don't know the answer. After thinking I answered, " It's becoming confusing, I don't know what I want."
He looked at me, not surprised like knew this is what my answer would be.
I continued, " I don't know whether I like him or love him. The difference between this two letters change the whole definition. I'm anxious. The dream which I saw, will it become true?"
He replied," Do you want it to be?"
I questioned," I don't know I'm afraid of the future. Maybe I'm afraid what will happen if this dream comes true? Or what will happen if this doesn't come true? Wrieck's existence is the proof that this was not just a dream, it is something more than that. His existence is the proof of power that my dreams do come true."

He frowned and said, "Then what is the problem?"
I quickly answered, " The problem is that he is not mine to be, he is in relationship. He is happy and contented and I don't want to spoil his happiness never."
He uttered,"Who are you to decide that he is not yours? Time will say that, not you. And about the relationship he is in, it will not last."
This sentence catched my attention but it saddened me because I don't think that he will be the one to break, he loves her so much. I can't see him breaking into pieces like that.
I asked," What will be the reason?"
He said moving his eyes away from me and looking away like he was lost but happy too, " She will be disloyal to him and after that the phase of his life will be tough and confusing...."
I murmured," And then?"
" You will console him and in the near future, he will confess to you", he finished his sentence.
He said something which was hard to believe and unthinkable. I said him to continue but he refused to say anything more. I asked,"Who are you?"
He said while the vision of him was fading, "Your Destiny."


These days I'm in very much confusing about what will happen or what should I do? If he confesses what will I do because Im not sure whether I love him or not. I just like him for now but i can't play with his feelings. If he confesses and I felt nothing, then I must reject him for his own good but I don't want to hurt him anyhow or loose this friendship. I don't know if this friendship matters to me or not. But for me, it's exceptional.

Today Bidita called me, I realised that she is sensitive and she is sharing her thoughts with me that means I must be something important to her. She told me how she cried last night when she remember her past times with her pet. He was not just a pet for her, he was his companion. The way my heart softened for her when I see people love someone deeply. Because it gives assurance to my heart and love is still alive in this world. Yesterday she saw a dead dog's body laying lifeless on the side of the road. She got triggered and overwhelmed. After hearing her thoughts, I felt like hugging and comforting her and to remind her that it's fine and it's going to be ok soon. I told her about the day when I heard that she told me that she will left the tuition but Thank God, she didn't. She told me an interesting thing that my first impression was that I'm rude person. I was weird because when in the beginning of class 11 were usually talking and sitting in groups but I used to sit alone on the front desk. Yes, it remind me that how I intended not to make friends because before I had many friends but they slowly left me alone. I have a true friend and that's Jessica and I'm contented with her.

When at tuition, our accounts teacher took a mock test and I scored 19 out of  20. I was surprised and happy too. Bidita thought that I was a topper and being my friend would be an advantage to her. Though I laugh at that thought. She say beside on our school Accounts mock test and yes she was disappointed. But Bidita told me something today which is stuck in my mind, she thought about me that...
"This girl has something more than she shows. There is more depth in her personality. And I became more grateful to you when for 15th August, i needed a yellow house shirt and how you prepared it for me. You helped me when no one was there to help me. "

Her words touched my soul and she thanked me for being her friend. But the pleasure was always mine. I realised how precious she is.

" Everyone tries to find love but no one tried to give,
Everyone objects, no one understands each other perspective.
People run for money when real wealth are the things which can't be seen.
How people are afraid to be proved wrong but not to be right when they are actually wrong."


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