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The Progenitor and King of All Demons : Kibutsuji Muzan

"Pity..." The woman murmured.

She was a rare beauty. Skin as pale as moon; hair the color of the purest gold, the side braided prettily, decorated with pins and jewels; pools of shimmering gold, flecked with amber, peered out from under thin eyebrows and thick, long lashes that fluttered lightly as she blinked, and a face with features alluring enough to have angels and flowers alike ashamed of their own looks.

She looked as though she was deep in her own world, her forehead creased ever so slightly as she reached a slim, pale hand out of the blood-red kimono draped over her, a golden hue surrounding her fingers as she gathered her powers.

A knock startled her.

"Oh...coming!" She called, standing up, "Please wait a second!"

She opened the door a gap to reveal a tall man, around his mid-twenties, with strands of curly black hair tucked under a white fedora. His eyes were a crimson shade of red, and slitted not unlike a cat's. He was clothed in a somewhat expensive-looking suit, with a seemingly polite smile dancing on his lips.

"Can I help you?" She asked pleasantly, already sensing the fact that he was no human.

"May I please come in?" He returned her question.

"Of course you can." She stepped to the side, opening the door wider for him to slip in as she watched his movements with golden eyes narrowed slightly, "Please make yourself at home."

"Thank you very much." He wasn't letting up the facade, she noted, still smiling and acting as a gentleman, "I'm sure your kindness will be repaid. What is your name?"

"They call me Ayaka, the Red Lady."

She answered simply, but did not ask for his.

Sitting down opposite to him on the small dinner table, she seemed content with just examining him with those deep pools of gold, her cheek resting on her hand. The bangles on her wrists clinking together as she shifted occasionally.

"You're not human, are you?" Her question was direct and blunt, sitting up straighter and placing her hands on the table as she leaned forward, peering at him more intently, "No one ever comes here except for demons."

"You observe well." He smiled, a smile much more sinister and menacing than earlier as he dropped his act, "Tell me, what gave me away?"

"No one ever comes to my humble home except for demons." She repeated simply, "The stray travelers serve as a meal, though." Her tone was pleasant and calm as she raised a hand, the cat-like nails catching the light.

"And so...do you have a true name?" Her visitor asked.

"If I had, I would not remember." She looked thoughtful, "The stories just call me the Red Lady most of the time. The more original tales...from the time I was human, called me Ayaka. So perhaps that is it."

He listened with the same mildly threatening smile perched on his lips, "I see...how long have you been a demon then, Ayaka?"

It didn't escape his gaze how her expression shifted as he spoke her name, but to her credit she recollected herself relatively fast, quick enough to impress him, "I believe...for quite some decades now."

𝓡𝓔𝓓 (𝓜𝓾𝔃𝓪𝓷 𝔁 𝓞𝓒 𝓡𝓔𝓦𝓡𝓘𝓣𝓣𝓔𝓝)Where stories live. Discover now