-4- Hook Up

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After five or so minutes of uncomfortable silence Caleb spoke "Why am I in your truck?" Caleb questioned, though he wasn't fully sure if he was asking himself or the man.

"You tell me" the man shrugged leaning back in his leather car seat and sighing slightly at the snow around them.

Caleb didn't respond immediately, instead he took in the man's features for a second, something he'd found himself doing the night before, during in his dreams, and at the door mere minutes ago, what was wrong with him?

"You gonna stare at me like my face is the most disgusting thing you've ever seen all morning?" The man queried his deep blue eyes travelling up and down Caleb stonily.

Caleb again didn't reply, at least not with words, his response was a quick lean forward and a soft kiss on the man's lips, the man immediately kissed back as if expecting the green haired boys move pushing him back slightly gaining a more controlling position over Caleb.

The two broke apart for a second so close they could feel each-others increased breaths panting onto their faces.

"So that's why you're here Caleb?" The man teased with a small smirk tugging at his lips, Caleb wanted to protest, this hadn't been his plan at all, but before he could say anything the man leaned in again kissing him passionately and climbing on top of him.

Caleb kissed back without hesitation as the man grabbed a fistful of his hair keeping firm hold on Caleb's face and using his other hand to reach down and undo the button on Caleb's jeans, however the Man then paused pulling back, looking Caleb in the eyes.

Looking down at his now unbuttoned jeans, then back up to the man Caleb nodded giving the man the silent confirmation he was asking for, the man immediately leaned in breathing heavily on Caleb's neck and sucking down hard biting him nipping the skin with his teeth, Caleb moaned slightly making the man chuckle then do it again.

Caleb moaned louder this time feeling his pants tighten, the man then moved back slightly grabbing both ends of Caleb's festive Christmas jumper and peeling it off over his head, Caleb felt his heartbeat quickening as the man ripped off his own leather jacket followed by the white t-shirt then leaned back in kissing Caleb's cheeks and moving slowly to his lips, the man was very attractive, his body was toned and muscly.

He kissed back passionately surprising the man for a second before he recomposed biting Caleb's lip roughly, Caleb's eyes widened but instead of pain he let out a moan of pure pleasure, the man's hands travelled down gripping Caleb's jeans and pulling them down to his ankles, simultaneously Caleb tugged at the man's jeans which also descended to round his ankles revealing a pair of black & blue boxers and leaving the pair entangled on the front seat of the blue pick up truck in just their underwear.

"You sure about this elf?" The man asked as he gripped the waistband of Caleb's white briefs, Caleb nodded immediately feeling his heartbeat quickening, he was so ready.

"Absolutely, just do it" Caleb replied back through laboured breaths feeling his face flushing up.

The man smirked his hand travelling inside Caleb's underwear and gripping his dick firmly, Caleb bit his lip letting out a slight moan at the movements the man was making, he was so close now he could feel it.

Releasing his dick the man pulled Caleb's underwear down and then pulled down his own both sliding down their legs joining their pants round their ankles.

Caleb looked him up and down but didn't have much time as he was suddenly flipped around and clambered on top of, he moaned for the millionth time in pleasure as the man positioned himself with a naughty smirk plastered on his face.

"This is probably gonna hurt mate" he warned Caleb, Caleb shook his head not caring feeling the cold leather of the car seats beneath his bare skin. Caleb shut his eyes in anticipation as he felt the man's dick entering him from behind.


Once they were done and cleaned up the two sat back on the seats panting out of breath "Can't lie elf, you're quite the screamer" The Man told him in amusement.

Caleb went bright red "S-stop calling me elf, it's Caleb" Caleb responded, he wasn't sure why he'd just hooked up with the guy who tried to burgle his house the previous night but to say he'd enjoyed every second of it would be a complete and utter understatement.

The man just smirked back at him clearly amused, they looked into each-others eyes momentarily before looking away Caleb letting out an awkward cough the only other noise being the Trucks heater and the slight rustling of the bush beside the car.

"The bandages round your wrist, you're a cutter yeah?" The man abruptly asked, Calebs Christmas jumper sleeves were covering them now, but the man will have definitely seen them when he didn't have it on.

Caleb nodded stonily not looking at the man, he heard the man hum in acknowledgment "I used to do that too, long time ago, it's a hard habit to break free of" he commented and Caleb scoffed nodding his head in agreement.

"And the bruises your dad yeah?" He added, Calebs eyes widened at the developments, this man was finding out all his personal secrets rather too quickly for his liking.

"Doesn't matter, not your concern, we hooked up. That's it, no strings attached" Caleb answered coldly hearing a slight sigh from the man.

Caleb then opened the car door to leave but as his feet hit the snow he turned back "What's your name? You know mine, what's yours?" He asked curiously,

"Jason" the man responded not looking away from the steering wheel or giving a hint of emotion.

"Merry Christmas Jason" Caleb replied a small smile appearing on his face as he slammed the truck door shut and walked slowly back up to his house the snow crunching beneath his feet, he heard the truck start up and speed down the road probably a bit too fast to be driving in this weather.

Caleb sighed feeling a pang of loneliness wash over him as he opened the front door again, he spotted the wreath lying at the bottom of the stairs and picked it up, turning to the open front door and hanging it up there then shutting the door to keep the bitter winter air at bay.

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