-16- Good Boys Do Bad Things

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**This chapter is very heavy, viewer discretion is advised**

Caleb and Jason spent the rest of the night partying away, they danced to the years big hits, ate and drank to their hearts content and generally had a good time, to Caleb it really felt like a Christmas Miracle that this man had broken into his house like a grinch trying to steal presents, whilst at the same time breaking into his heart repairing it, plus looking after him at a time where he needed it most.

Everything felt so complete as the clock got closer and closer to midnight, closer to the new year. Who knows, maybe new year new start? It felt more optimistic now more than ever.

The bar quietened down as the screens all displayed the 30 second countdown, some fireworks were already booming in the distance filling the air with colorful celebrations in all shapes and sizes.

The 10 second mark was hit as the entire bar chanted down second by second "ZERO!" Everyone shouted as champagne and cheering filled the air. Caleb felt a kiss on his cheek from Jason so reached over and pulled him in for a proper kiss, they kissed like the world was ending not breaking apart for the longest time.

"You're so fucking perfect" Jason whispered as they broke apart "every single inch of you, perfect" he added running his hand down Caleb's waist, Caleb nodded trying to agree despite not really believing it himself.

"I better get you home Elf, don't want daddy Walters getting too angry do we" Jason told him standing up and offering his hand chivalrously, Caleb accepted it so they walked out hand in hand just as they'd entered.

The drive home was filled with loud bangs, cheers and colors filling the usually dull night sky, it felt like the rest of the city was still alive with action. Everyone celebrating the dawn of a new era.

After climbing out the blue pick up truck Caleb leant his head inside "Thank you Jason, thank you for everything I- I think I love you even if I'm not ready yet" Caleb confessed shyly.

Jason smiled warmly back at him "I'll wait as long as it takes for you to be ready Elf, I love you too" Jason reassured him.

"Text me when you've made it home safely, don't go too fast. I know you like to think you're in fast and furious but you're not. Take it slow Lewis Hamilton" Caleb told him tapping the car roof anxiously as he spoke.

"I will don't worry Elf, let's grab coffee tomorrow yeah? I'll pick you up at 1? Give you a lie in. That sound good?" Jason offered kindly.

"S-Sounds perfect Jason, t-thank you" Caleb replied nodding awkwardly "remember to text" he added blowing a kiss at Jason then turning around walking to the front door, he entered the house silently hearing the blue pick up truck speed away as he shut the door.

The peace however didn't last, he heard sobbing coming from upstairs and felt a pit growing in his stomach "Jay?" He called out rushing up the stairs taking them two at a time then heading into Jayden's room.

He felt his heart stop at what he found, Jayden was lying on the floor of the room curled into a little ball on the soft carpet, bruises and cuts were littering his face, neck, arms, chest and he was also missing his shirt and pants lying in just his boxers.

"Jayden! Jayden are you okay?" Caleb almost yelled rushing over to him and kneeling beside him, Jayden let out soft sobs clutching onto Caleb immediately wrapping his arms around the green haired boy as if he were a saviour.

"What happened, tell me" Caleb whispered, but he knew. Deep down he knew his Dad had done this.

"D-Dad came home yel-yelling, he said- he shouted- shouted that I was liar, I lie and you were faggot, he ask when you come home I said l-late and you were with Ebony, he said lying" Jayden stuttered out his sentences not making complete sense as he sobbed through them.

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