-14- Happy Place

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The cold winters air brushed against Caleb's face as he stood in his driveway, his hand was interlocked with Jayden's who was jumping up and down in excitement his eyes shining with anticipation.

"I wanna see the tigers, I wanna see the zebras!" He exclaimed, Caleb smiled happily. The previous night Jason had offered to take him and Jayden out for the day to try cheer him up, Caleb knew how much Jayden had always wanted to go to a zoo so that's what they'd decided on. At first Jason had tried to make Caleb pick something he wanted to do not what Jayden wanted to do but Caleb wouldn't budge, if Jayden was happy he was happy too.

"We'll be seeing them soon buddy, as soon as Jason gets here" Caleb replied softly, he wasn't sure what he and Jason were exactly, they weren't dating but they pretty much were. Unlabelled was what he thought summarised them best.

A horn blared in the quiet winters morning as the familiar blue pick up truck pulled up to the driveway, Jayden grinned excitedly immediately hopping into the backseat.

Caleb jumped into the front exchanging a cute glance with Jason. "Morning Elf" Jason whispered squeezing his hand lightly.

"Uncle Jason! Uncle Jason! We're going to the zoo!" Jayden yelled from the back, Caleb went bright red as Jason laughed turning to him.

"We are yeah, you excited?" He asked enthusiastically and Jayden nodded with a innocent little grin, Jason then turned to Caleb "uncle now am I?" He whispered teasingly.

"Apparently so" Caleb replied looking away in embarrassment as the pick up trucks engine started and it sped off in the direction of the zoo. Caleb had been here once before with his mom a long time ago, but a lot had changed since then.

They'd soon arrived, parked up and were strolling around the zoo, Jayden was freaking out over all the different animals. "How are you holding up elf?" Jason asked quietly as they watched Jayden press his face up against a glass window to look at some penguins.

"I still feel kinda dirty, better than when it happened though, thank you for taking care of me" Caleb replied warmly.

Jason squeezed his hand comfortingly "You up for the New Year's party tonight? I'll drive you home the moment you wanna leave" Jason offered.

Caleb smiled "Won't you have been drinking though?" He queried feeling uncomfortable at the thought of Jason driving whilst under the influence.

"Only gonna have a couple shots, nothing much. I'd prefer to remember my time with you rather than it all be a drunk blur" Jason answered shrugging his shoulders.

Feeling his heart practically explode at that remark Caleb let a small smile creep onto his face and nodded.

"Caleb! There's a flamingo!" Jayden yelled rushing over to Caleb, grabbing his hand and practically dragging him over to the enclosure, Jason followed behind exchanging a smile with Caleb. The three of them looked into the enclosure.

"Yeah there is Jay, there's loads of them" Caleb commented watching the balanced pink birds in their habitat.

"I want one!" Jayden announced pointing at them grinning, Caleb ruffled his hair playfully.

"We can't have them Jay, they belong to the zoo. Plus they'd be really sad if you took them from their friends wouldn't they?" Caleb told him firmly.

"Uncle Jason, can I have one!" Jayden then tried Jason, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Caleb the grinch says no, so no can do I'm afraid. My hands are tied" Jason answered sending a mischievous glance Caleb's way.

"Thanks for that Jason" Caleb muttered sarcastically making Jason laugh.

"Someone's gotta be the villain, I'm the cool uncle now. Sorry Caleb that's just the rules" Jason explained nudging Caleb in the ribs "besides, you wish your hands were tied" he added seductively.

"Not in front of Jay!" Caleb hissed as the little boy looked between the pair in confusion, thankfully not understanding.

Jason sniggered looking between the brothers with a smirk "We'll save it for later Caleb okay?" He told him giving a small wink.

Caleb rolled his eyes but didn't hate the idea, it make him nervous and he wasn't entirely sure about it, he'd consider allowing Jason to live that fantasy later tonight.

"Where are the tigers!" Jayden asked loudly skipping down the concrete path. Caleb and Jason looked at the map together, Jason pointed to where they were then dragged his finger along to where the tiger enclosure was.

"It's the next left Jay buddy" Caleb shouted back the boy now a few paces ahead of them "I need to put him on a leash" he muttered making Jason snigger.

Soon they'd been around the entire zoo, Jayden had enjoyed himself thoroughly and loved seeing all the different animals. Caleb had also had a good time, it had been a really good distraction seeing Jayden so happy plus getting to spend time with Jason.

"I'll see you tonight for the New Years Party?" Jason asked hopefully, Caleb hesitated a second before nodding flashing a small smile at Jason.

"Pick me up at like 10, I'll climb out my window" Caleb planned in a hushed whisper, Jayden had already gotten out of the car and was waiting impatiently to Caleb to do the same, but Caleb still didn't want him to hear.

"Ok elf, will I get another show from through the window or?" Jason asked smirking and tugging at Caleb's pants, Caleb went beet red shaking his head.

"Not a chance Jason, I'll see you tonight" Caleb told him, Jason nodded taking Calebs hand in his own kissing it graciously.

"Not if I see you first, proud of you Caleb, so proud of you" Jason whispered back, Caleb nodded in appreciation before climbing out the truck, he gave Jason a small wave as he sped off.

Once he'd gotten back inside and settled Jayden for bed Caleb entered his room, he went instantly to the drawer ripping it open hastily, he rummaged around in it finally finding the sharp, metallic object that he desired, he needed to feel the familiar sensation and quash the urge.

He rolled his sleeve up holding the blade to his skin, but he didn't cut. He sat there looking down at the blade in his hand just hovering over the spot he'd chosen on his wrist. He sighed trying to will himself to do it, just one cut, then another, then another. That's all it would take. It would get easier and easier after each one.

Caleb shook his head rolling his sleeve back up and sighing, he put the blade back in the drawer shutting it gently in stark contrast to how he'd opened it. He then lay down looking at the ceiling in silence. He'd managed to resist cutting, he'd been so close but he'd managed to resist it. Maybe things were starting to brighten up? Maybe... just maybe... he'd get a happy ending.

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