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        DHRUV KUVERSINGH CHAUHAN                             (Age:29)

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Ruthless, Confident, Brutal and Power belongs to him. The Youngest Cheif Minister and the king of mafia.
Family is his first priority. And loves his brother's more than anything.


    YUVRAJ KUVERSINGH CHAUHAN                                (Age:27)

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Kind, Humble but Dangerous he belongs to his calm aura. CEO of Chauhan Industry one of the top most company spread all over the India. Family's little prince. And can do whatever for his brother's.

                    RANSHI EKRAM RAO

                    RANSHI EKRAM RAO                              (Age:26)

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Cold but kind, Simple but strong and keep everyone on there knees. Brother's Princess. Calm and passionate for her work she is a cardiologist and leaves with her best friend the only one. Who can control her anger.

                  KAVYA VISHVA PANDIT

                     KAVYA VISHVA PANDIT                              (Age:25)

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Cute, clumsy and friendly. Spread love everywhere she goes. The daughter of Vishva Pandit belongs to bramhan family. Known by a her work as Cytologist. Loves her best friend.


              LAKSH ADIRAJ CHAUHAN                              (Age:19)

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Cool, Handsome, Happy and Loving is his character. Instantly make friends and enjoy his college life. The playboy, flirty and disrespects anyone. Belongs to Chauhan family the yougest boy in their home. His first priority is his brother's. He only obeys them.



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Mahadev Chauhan Age:75 ,Grandfather of Dhruv, Yuvraj and Laksh.
Strict but sweet loves their grandson and listen to his wife's order.

Rukamini Mahadev Chauhan Age:68, Grandmother. Loves the family little dominating and always keeps her eye on Mahadev Chauhan.

Kuversingh Mahadev Chauhan Age:50, Son of Mahadev Chauhan. Sweet and loving nature. Loves his wife and has two son's Dhruv and Yuvraj.

Ratna Kuversingh Chauhan Age:48, Wife of Kuversigh Chauhan. Loves his husband and has a peaceful mind. Cares alot of his son's. Loves her nephew Laksh.

Adiraj Mahadev Chauhan Age:45, Younger son of Mahadev Chauhan and brother Kuversingh Chauhan. Has a son Laksh. Stay away from family matters because of his wife. Director of Chauhan Industry.

Vijaya Adiraj Chauhan Age:42 Wife of Adiraj Chauhan. Hates Chauhan family and mostly Dhruv. Dominate her own husband. Has son Laksh even he hates her.


Ekram Rao Age:51, Father of Ranshi Rao. Has Calm and peaceful life. Loves his wife, has two loving kids. And had a story of their love marriage. Best friend of Vishva Pandit. And owner of RAO Industry.

Rupali Rao Age:48, Mother of Ranshi Rao. Has two loving kids. Loves her family and have sweet voice. And Classical kathak dancer.

Ritav Ekram Rao Age:32, Strict and professional. Loves his sister Ranshi more than anything else. Has a lovely wife and a 4 years old daughter. Care for his family. And CEO of RAO Industry.

Saru Ritav Rao Age:30 Wife of Ekram Rao has a lovely daughter and happy soul.

Sita Ritav Rao Age:4, Daughter of Ritav Rao.


Vishva Pandit Age:52 Father of Kavya Pandit. Sweet family. Strict and obeys everything. Proud of their kids. Has a loving family and best friend of Ekram Rao since childhood. Priest in profession.

Tara Vishva Pandit Age:50 Sweet and caring nature. Holds every bond in the family. By loved by 3 kids.

Kiyansh Vishva Pandit Age:32 Son of Vishva Pandit. Has his own tech company and app updater. Loves his both sister kavya and Rudra and a loving wife. Has a son too.

Rudra Keshav Narayana Age:34, Eldest daughter of Vishva Pandit married to loving husban Keshav Narayana lives with them.

Sharyu Kiyansh Pandit Age:30 Wife of kiyansh pandit. Has a lovely son and manager of the Pandit Association.

Veer Kiyansh Pandit Age:5, Son of Kiyansh Pandit.


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