The little girl

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What is she doing here?? Is she drunk?? But why would she drink? What are waiting dhruv go to her talk to her.. My mind started questioning.. I straightly goes to her seat next to her chair. Her mind was unconscious. I called her name but no reply. I guess she was sobbing i patted on her shoulder for my presence she just took a look at me. But when she realise she again look at me coming closer she touched my nose with her little finger. I guess she was confirming but why am i feeling nervous. Leave it. "What are you doing here??" I asked. "Can't you see what I am doing.. " With this she took the whole bottle towards her mouth and started drinking. I held her hand took away the bottle place it on the table. "Come on let's get back to penthouse i will drop you" She just passed me a glare but i don't care. "I am not going anywhere." She said and forward her hand towards the bottle. I look around there were just mens. I can't leave her like this.. No i can't. "Look Ms. Ranshi i am not asking i am ordering". She smiled " No one can order on me Mr. Dhruv Chauhaaaaaaaaan"she said while pulling chauhan. I held her and trying to get her up but she was strong. She is strong but not more than I picked her up in my hands (bridal style)

 She is strong but not more than I picked her up in my hands (bridal style)

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                        (For prefrence)

"take me down dhruv put me down" She said but i ignored her. "Dhruv, dhruv, dhruv leave me dhruv, can't you listen". We were in parking as soon as i arrive the guard opens back seat. " Open passenger seat" I ordered i put her on the passenger seat make her seat and then wore her the seat bealt. "Dhruvvvvv" She screamed in my ear. I came out and sat on driving seat while she was pulling the seat bealt. "Look Ms. Ranshi i am droping you to your penthouse stop doing this nonsense". I said " I am not going home just leave me" She said i started the cars towards her home " I don't want to go home can't you listen". She said. "Then where you want to go tell me i will take you" I said with confusion. " Take me anywhere and please don't tell this to kavya"she said while her tears was falling from her cheeks. No i can't see her crying like this. Something is so mysterious she will never cry like this. "What happened?? " I asked getting her attention towards me. "Nothing" She said "where we should go?? " I asked " I t....ake me somewhere...there would be no one... No onee.. " She said while she was crying. Why the fuck i am feeling bad?? I threw my left hand on steering why her tears are making me angry. "Stop the car stop" She yelled making me shock. "We will go somewhere it's too late no one is here on the road" I said. "Stoopppp" She screamed i stop the car she was trying to take out the seat belt but she was unconscious i removed her seat belt. She goes out of the car i copied her. We came out of the car she sat on the walk way. Folding her knees towards chest in the second she started crying. What I should do?? I can't see her crying like this. Noo dhruv you have to do something i went back to the car took water bottle for her i cupped her face and moved her face up to look at me. "I am there why are you crying". I said but her eyes were filled with tears. " Take this" I said she took the bottle but her hands were shivering she can't drink the water i placed my hands on her. Her phone started ringing she looked at me "you..can..tell....her tha..t i am w...ith you do....n't worry and.....also tell her that... She.. Will... Come.. Home.. Tomorrow.. Morning.. " She said while crying. "I will tell her don't worry you just stop crying first" I sai beside her took the call.
"Hello" I said
"Hello.. Ranshi?? "
"I am dhruv don't worry she is with me she is talking with yuvraj so i picked the call" I said ranshi put her head on my shoulder pads was freezed.
"Okk.. When she will be back home?? " She asked.
"She will be there tomorrow morning don't worry we are just too far from your penthouse and she will be fine" I assured her and cut the call immediately before she asks any further question.
Here ranshi was sobbing on my shoulder i patted my one on her cheeks. "Okay now stop crying and tell me what happened". I said

She shook her head in no. " Ranshi please tell me what happened look i promise i will not tell this to anyone you can trust me. " Dhruv assured her while sitting in front of her. Ranshi pulled dhruv and hugged her tightly her face on his neck. Making him wet with her tears while dhruv freezed and after seconds he hugged her back caressing her back and her hairs. "Don't cry tell me please tell me." Dhruv said. She started telling him
I have a phone call of priyal she said it's an emergency case. So i went to the hospital one small girl around 2 year old was crying i took her on my lap and asked "what happened baby??why are you?? Hmm??.. " I asked "my .... My.. Daaaddd..."with this she started crying. She was so small she can't even talk properly her grandparents where there but they don't even bother took look at thier grand daughter i took her and went towards my cabin. " Hey please be quite bachaa i am there no". She was sitting on my lap this girl is really so cute. "Ma'am here are the files of next patient" Priyal said. I took the files and started reading the girl was still on my lap leaning on my chest. After i read that file i know the person is soo serious that he have very less chances to live but i will do it i will do this for her. I looked at her she was asleep. I took her in my arms and went out of the cabin where their grandparents was sitting. "Ma'am she is asleep can you take her" I asked very polietly. "Maar de iss appashaguni ko isske vajahse mera sara khandan barbaad hoo gayaa. Isski maa bhi isse idhar janam de ke chodagayi upar se ye aisi aulaad-" The aunty of was cut of by me "You are ridiculous chotti bachi par yese kaise aap kuch keh sakti hai." I yelled back to my aura. "Itni hi fikar hai toh lejaa isko apne saath aur dekh tera bhi kuch haal eysaahi hogaa yee bachii appashaguni he maar daal isse." She startes blabbering "Yay!! Mein isko apne saath lejaungi aap isko mera naam kadena". With this i left them back to my cabin i placed the kid on the couch. " Hey be with her i will be back after the surgery." I said to priyal i directly goes to otp. After 2 hrs. I came out of the otp i knew that the man can't survive but for that child i tried my best but it was not any used. "Doctor how is my son is he alive" The uncle asked. "Sorry he is no more" I said. "This is just because of that unlucky child of slut" Aunty yelled " Excuse me this is hospital you can't yell like this" I said now my anger was not in my limit. I left them and went back to my cabin the girl was awake I took her in my arms and asked her."Do you like me??" She was confused but smiled at me. I got the answer now no one can take her from me i decided in my mind. "Where is my dad??" She asked. "He has some work so he left but don't worry i am there with you i will take you to my home okay?? ".. I asked " My dad never loves me he always beated me with his stick i don't want to stay with them" She said with full of tears in her eyes. "I will take care of you my love" I said her while hugging her. She gave me a bitter smile. We went outside the cabin. The aunty came near me and tried to take the girl from my holds but i was strong enough to push her she falls on the ground. "Give her to me now i am gonna kill her. Because of her i lost my son" She said while rising her voice "don't even try to touch her i will cut your asses" I said back to my aura. The girl in my hands started crying very loudly. The uncle came towards me. "Look give our child we are her gandparents we have all her responsibilities now after her parents" Uncled said in rude tone. "Di.. Diii... Don't leave.... Meee... Pllleeeeesse.. " Girl said. Her back was fully red because of beats her voice was choked her small legs was having blue, black spots because of beats. "I am there bachaa" I said. "Look mr. I am taking her responsibilities on today onwards you don't have to bother" I said looking at the uncle. Uncle came closer to me took the girl from my hands and pushed me away. "Security" I yelled. "Heyyy this kid is ours you have no rights on anyones child" Uncle was going while security stopped him. "Mein meri grand daughter ko le jaa raha hu tumh sabko ismein aane ki koi jarurat nahi hai. " He pushed the security and left. "In an hour the girl's custody will be mine." I yelled up him he can clearly listen. "Call ritav's lawyer now." I oredered to priyal. "Yes ma'am" She said. I tell every detail information to the lawyer and he was listen he replied. "Ma'am in 2 hrs. I will semd you the letter by governments approval". He said. " Do it faster as you can"with that i ended the call after 1 and half hour my phone rang it was of lawyer Mr. Sharma i took the call and he said. "Ma'am the girl is dead now" He said. "How is this possible she was with me a hour ago" I was shocked how could anymore kill the kid fuck i will not leave them till the last breath of there lives. "It was an accident the girl was playing on the terrace and suddenly while playing she jumped from terrace is given in the file" He said. "Look Mr. Sharma this is fully a murder i have told you about it so i don't need any excuse i want them both the parents in prison" With this i cut the call.


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