I came to see her

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It's been a week since lucky is staying with ranshi and kavya. It's and another morning routine to them. In lucky's room they all were sitting actually ranshi was taking his pills out of the drawer and kavya was on bed talking with lucky. Lucky was telling about his family. "My badi maaa means Mrs. Ratna Kuversigh Chauhan is so kind hearted person like she does every single thing that can make us happy, also she has the best taste in food" Lucky continued "Bade Papa means Mr. Kuversigh Chauhan is so humble person he respects everyone, My dadaji means Mr.Mahadev is always been a strict person of our family he is good but sometimes he is too strict. And my dadiji Mrs. Rukamini-"... Lucky was cut of by kavya " Is your dadi maharashtrian?? "She asked. "Yes my dadi is maharashtrian my dada, dadi had an love marriage" They both replied "oooooo" Lucky gave them a big smile. "And then we brothers firstly talking about Dhruv bhai-" Now he was cut off by ranshi "who wants to know about that khadus" "No he is soo good just have little bit of anger issues nahi toh woh sabse ache hai" Lucky answered and the first time ranshi made her face. "Uss bande se to koi pyaar se baat bhi nahi karnaa chahegaa" She said. Lucky smiled and said"once you know him I damn sure he will impress you ".she gave a wierd look lucky continued " And Yuvi bhai i really love him he is so good with everyone,he mix up with everyone like he always to what's good for his family." "And my dad Mr. Adiraj Chauhan he is sweet to everyone his humbleness and gentleness is famous for everyone". Lucky stopped "What about your mom?? ". Kavya asks. " She is kind of rude and don't like to involve in our family" lucky answerd "she is your family too" Ranshi replied. Lucky gave her a lazy smile. They all left the room and move for the breakfast.

We got on ours seats and suddenly my phone started ringing so i took the call it was non-other my bhaiya yuvi bhai..
"Hello"i said
"Hello what are you doing??"he asked
"Having breakfast wbu?? "I asked
"Nothing just want inform you that we are coming to take you back home"he said. But i don't want to go back home now so i said.         "Bhaiya meri tabbiyat abhi bhi thik nahi hai next week i will only come back u don't have to worry" I said dening him. "You are roaming all over banglore posting photos and stories and still you are lying to me" He said. "Bhai really this place is best i don't want to go back home it feels soo good here and they both are too good you know we had our best times and i begging for just a week more." I pleaded "okay fine tomorrow me and dhruv are coming to meet you now go and have your breakfast" He said "yes bye" I said and we both hang up.
I went back to my breakfast and told them that Yuvraj bhai and Dhruv bhai are coming for meeting me. They both nodded. Then suddenly ranshi says"we both have holiday tomorrow it will be nice time to meet them both".I smile at her. they both went too hospital now it's almost 8 o'clock.I was busy scrolling my Instagram and then kavya took my phone. "Ranshi he is using phone since 3hrs continuous" Kavya yelled showing me her tongue. Ranshi came take took my phone from kavya's hand and said "It will be with me till morning now go freshen up we will have dinner go fast". Since i have been here I haven't use my phone more than 2hrs because there are so many things to do like we are in the penthouse here we have lot of plants of many different variety of flowers even we have blue roses. Ranshi di loves reading books so there is a small library but the books inside that are really incredible, because of her I am too getting instrest in books special romantic adult books. After bath i go in kitchen we had dinner and went back to our rooms.

It was 9 am I wake up go to bathroom. Put the most comfortable clothes

 Put the most comfortable clothes

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