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I went to mortuary so that bastards in front me with my right hand Sangram and some guards. I feel so good seeing that both grandmother and farther seating on there knees. I came forward to give them my look. They looked at me and eyes widened ohhh there ass get triggered i guess after watching me.. "Good morning ma'am" Sangram said coming towards me. I nodded.
I Pulled the chin of the grandmother.. "You curse the small kid even you killed her.. You have no rights to live." I said with deathfull words. "Bring the knife from 03" I said to sangram. He gaved me the knife i opened her mouth put the knife on the tongue she started to run her tongue but it gets more and more cuts. "Hey heyy don't try to run your tongue you have no rights to cut yourself now. I will do whatever I want" I said with stern voice. I made deep cuts on her tongue and move towards mr. Grandfather who tried to push me. "No worries dadaji i will take the avenge myself." With this i took a hammer from the table and crashed it on his hands from arms to wrist. The scream are coming louder and louder i just like it.. There's no chance  i am leaving them they killed a small innocent kid who was anaware of the world who was honest. "You would live with your granddaughter peacefully. But no you have to kill her. She can be the reason of your survival reason of your smile but no.. " I said which was reflecting in sad voice. I walked towards sangram for gun he gaved me my gun. I turn towards the bastards and shooted them both. "Clear all this and come to my cabin." I said to sangram he nodded. This is real me who takes lives for justice this is me Ranshi Rao named by WOLF... Yeah  i run a mafia more like a army who is named by wolf itself.

FLASHBACK: (3yrs Ago)
We all four were sitting inside our cabin in WOLF company chit chatting and all of us today we decided to reveal our faces my and kavya's for all the world. We get ready before hand because we were so excited we decided when the company will be well known to everyone then we will face to everyone. We four are best friends from ages.. Me amd kavya was owning the company where's Sangram was CEO of the company and Mihir was Managing Director of the company.
We got a call from hospital that there was an emergency so me and kavya thinked of being back in an hours because the party has lot of time to start..we went to the hospital there was a small 12 years old girl who have been raped by 3 mens. When  i heard about her condition it gives me shiver through spine i was afraid of the world. We had her surgery but it was so critical i fell as human when i was in surgery. After surgery she was so weak that we can't give hopes untill 24hrs. Me and kavya were in my cabin decided to deny today's event it was feeling like the the world is trying to hide us as long as it takes it's good for everyone.
After some days tge girl was able to talk we went to her because there was no one to support her there was no police, no family no one. We were talking with her she was not talking with us but after a week she started to talk with us she told how they got her raped her and all. After listening her my blood was boiled i just want to kill them right in front of her and i will do that i thinked. But she was not able to think about her future with this body. . . She sucide the worst day of mine... I can't do anything nor i was able to do anything she wrote a letter to me saying she wants justice for her.. I decided to kill the criminals there's no chance to leave them to do next crime..
After few days we got all the information about the criminals. They were belonging to most dangerous mafia THE KING.. None other than Dhruv it's his territory but we took a lot information for security we get to know that it is Mr. Mehta.. His mens do whatever hia orders dhruv trust mehta but he have no idea what was he doing under his eye's.. Mr. Mehta was mehta cooperation and even right hand of dhruv the biggest betrater but still dhruv is unknown from all this.. Mr. Mehta sell girls through all over old. It's his business he had made 13-17 yrs target of girls. When we get to know that we started following him many times he even spot but somehow i manage to escape. We targeted his company and it even get worst everyone started thinking that WOLF is having personal problems with mehta it was true but we never come out for world we were still hidden... We four decided to destroy mehta.. And somehow we did but we forget that he was having dhruv to his back.. It was impossible to destroy him when dhruv is supporting.. I decided to join mafia because of dhruv the only reason.. So I prepared my own army.. I studied all the information about mafia.. Every single training i did my best it was a different Ranshi after 1 yrs. Just we four knows about this Ranshi we choose to hide ourselves for everyone safety whoever got to know about me was dead in an 1hrs.
We planned to kidnap mehta but somehow through escaped him.. We tried many attepts to kill him but no use he was fully covered by dhruv.. So we decided to trap him in over hole started planning about him deatroyed his company and madhe our company in top 10 buseiness. I world was known by our CEO Mr. Sangram Khurana.. He was young, intelligent, calm and cold.. He was the most trustworthy people of us we are the family..

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