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"What.. what will happen to you when I'm gone?"
"You won't be gone, Joker"
"You know what I mean, Bats. What will you do without your greatest nemesis?", he asked almost saddened and the feeling seemed contagious for it soon spread a feeling of emptiness inside Bruce's chest. He's never thought of what this whole thing would do in his favour.. or what it wouldn't.
"I-", he tilted his head, trying not to look all too puzzled.
"I suppose I don't know yet, well most certainly clean up that mess you left out there"
This actually made Joker chuckle a little.
"What, you don't like my thugs?"
"Not really", he mumbled.
"And when you're done with them, what's gonna happen with us? You know, us?"
Bruce actually needed a moment to fully comprehend what exactly Joker was getting at and another one to use up all that's left inside him to check whether Alfred was in near reach. He stood worriedly barely a few steps from the stairs to the cell's platform, his gaze directed at the two of them sitting inside, probably doing his best to hide his confusion about what was going on.

"I- I don't know-"
"Liar", Joker sighed and tapped Bruce's neck. Bruce cursed the moment he had allowed him this little lie detector test.
"Joker, I don't think now is a good time"
"Oh when is it the most comfortable for Mister Bat? When I'm a helpless, broken man? Or are you just hoping I'd forget it before I can ever mention it again?"
"No", he replied quickly and Joker raised an eyebrow.
"At least you didn't lie with that one"
"Don't push me, Joker"
"Then don't push me either", he now spat at the Bat and let go off his pulse, almost pushing him away with that.
"Take your time to think but I want some of that for myself as well, leave me alone now, Batman", he spoke dryly and stood up, facing the other guy with his back.
'Batman', the word's echoed in Bruce's aching chest. Joker hasn't called him that in a while.. no Bats, no B-Man.. just Batman. But Bruce agreed with him, maybe some time apart will do them good and Bruce would have time to figure out how on earth he wants to handle his feelings for Joker.
He left the cell and locked it tight behind himself, fighting his instincts hard not to look back at the other man. He passed Alfred silently, thankful for not having to hear anything apart from his footsteps, indicating the butler was following him upstairs where Bruce could finally get rid of the batsuit and have a well-deserved shower.

"And that was all that happened so far", the vigilante declared this the end of the story. It was almost morning and Gordon had used up almost all of his cigarettes, smoking them as if it would get him out of this situation. He was now just a grey silhouette of himself dipped in a deep golden shade within the sunrise.
At first he stood up from the rotten chair, stretching while letting a huge blow of a mixture between cold air and smoke into the environment before resting against the wall next to them with a deep sigh.
"So have you already researched some medication? Because as far as I heard, he seems to be immune to anything that can be considered medicine"
"Then he hasn't tried my new invention yet", Batman declared coldly, just as tired from all of this as Jim looked.
"I'd say do what you want as long as you don't kill the guy but actually..", he stopped and looked at Gotham's awakening skyline.
"I couldn't care less about whatever happens to him as long as he doesn't break free and run amok"
"Don't worry, I'll make sure he'll get out of there in one piece, but cured"
"Hah, that would mean hell froze over! You know I fully trust your skills as a detective but that guy's just a number too big for all of us"
"Not for me, I can get to him"
"Yeah, I know. Well fine, if you believe you can cure him, don't make me stop you"
"Thank you. Goodnight, Jim", Batman bid his farewell and disappeared in the only half as dark night, knowing exactly what to do once he was home.

"You look like you could use a cup of tea, Sir", Alfred announced as Bruce entered the kitchen, his shoulders hanging almost as low as his eyelids. He's had big plans for the night, unfortunately his body disagreed.
"I could use much more than that but tea sounds good for now", Bruce responded tiredly while letting himself fall onto a chair.
"Rough night? Has Mister Gordon been an unpleasant listener to your story?"
"Not at all, I just didn't realise how much has happened the past few days. It's been a lot to tell and sometimes I struggled to tell him everything without exposing too much."
Alfred gave him a nod while quietly pouring him a cup of tea.
"I see", he then commented while handing Bruce the sugar.
"And what do you intend to do now, Master Bruce?"
"I believe it is time for Joker to receive his first go on medication", he answered and almost burned his tongue on the tea. Alfred looked at him surprised.
"So soon? Shouldn't we wait for Arkham Asylum's response first? After all it was your idea to request having one of their doctor's taking over his therapy."
"I have changed my mind, Arkham was not the right place for him and certainly not because the food was bad. That whole place is poisoned, maybe even the doctors. From what I've seen, he's showing signs of severe anxiety that needs to be treated as soon as possible. Therefore he'll receive the pills I've developed for him a few years ago, his response to them will slowly lead us to his treatment, I'm sure of that."
"I'm sorry to interfere but shouldn't they at least have a look at it? After all, neither you nor me are a professional medic and we don't want that maniac running amok after the first dose, do we?"
Bruce looked at his Butler, finished his tea and let out a deep sigh before he swung himself up to his feet.
"Arkham stays out of this, Al. If he's getting out of control, I'll handle it. I always have"
"Just like last Thursday?", he snarked and Bruce froze in the door, knowing exactly what Alfred was getting at.
"Is there anything you want to say, Alfred? Was there anything wrong about the way I handled his anxiety attack?"
"Oh so you have diagnosed him already? Well I would never dare criticise your professional expertise, Sir. Still, you and our.. patient seemed rather a tad too familiar, if I may say."
"He was shaking all over, expressing his fear and pain, of course it was an anxiety attack. And because of that, I knew to handle it the way I did. I don't care what it looked like, I know what I'm doing and I'm in control of this."
With these words, Bruce stormed off, down to the Batcave. He had actually considered taking a nap beforehand, however his conversation with Alfred has made him too furious to even think about resting at the moment.

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