First Shift At Freddy's

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Carissa switched off the ignition of her car and glanced at the crumpled piece of paper resting on the passenger seat. Steve's hastily scrawled directions to the pizzeria location stared back at her. As she looked up, her gaze fell upon the broken sign of the establishment, flickering back and forth like a dying light bulb. A frown crossed Carissa's face, and a surge of curiosity washed over her.

"Why on earth would this place need a security guard?" she muttered to herself, perplexed by the idea. She reached for the keys that Steve had entrusted to her earlier. The weight of the cold metal in her hand felt burdensome as if it carried an unseen weight. Determined, she stepped out of the car and approached the front doors of the pizzeria. A chill ran through the air, causing her to shiver involuntarily. With a deep breath, she inserted the key into the lock and heard a satisfying click. Pushing the doors open, Carissa stepped into the unknown.

The moment she crossed the threshold, a wave of darkness seemed to engulf her, a stark contrast to the outside world. Realizing the need for illumination, she swiftly retrieved a flashlight from her bag and switched it on, casting its beam across the dilapidated interior. It was a scene of chaos and neglect. Tables and chairs were overturned, pizza boxes and trash littered the floor, and cobwebs hung from the ceiling like eerie decorations. A shiver crept down Carissa's spine as she surveyed the disarray.

"Well, now I understand why they require someone to keep this place tidy," Carissa mused, a nervous chuckle escaping her lips. Despite the unease settling in her, she pressed on, exploring the premises with a mix of curiosity and trepidation. Following a sign that read "Employees Only," she ventured down a back hallway that led to the security office. As she entered the room, her eyes fell upon a desk adorned with a television, a phone, and multiple security cameras. Seating herself in front of the monitors, Carissa powered them on, revealing different feeds capturing various sections of the pizzeria. Some cameras displayed static or glitches, indicating their age and wear. She turned her head and noticed a message waiting on the phone, a sense of familiarity washing over her as she recognized the voice. It was Steve.

"Let me give you a little backstory," Steve's voice echoed through the room, drawing Carissa's attention. "This place was a hit with the kids back in the '80s. It's been closed down for years, but the owner just can't let go yet. We've had some trouble with break-ins, mostly drunks and vagrants. The security system is a bit outdated but still functional. Floodlights outside, cameras inside and out. Just a heads up, the electricity can be a bit unreliable."

Steve continued, his voice carrying a mix of reassurance and caution. "If anything happens, there's a breaker in the main office. Just flip it. The rest is pretty straightforward. Keep your eyes on the monitors, and keep people out. Piece of cake." A sigh escaped him, tinged with a hint of uncertainty. "So, I'll catch you on the flip side. Hopefully."

The message concluded, leaving Carissa to ponder Steve's words. As she redirected her attention to the television, her eyes fell upon a VHS tape bearing her name. Confusion etched across her face as she questioned its presence. Acting on impulse, she grabbed the tape and inserted it into the VHS player. Pressing play, she watched as the screen flickered, and a lady appeared stating, "Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, where fantasy and fun come to life."

Carissa couldn't help but chuckle at the video's enthusiastic tone. The lady explained that Carissa had been chosen as the new security guard and congratulated her. Carissa continued to watch the tape with curiosity.

"The genius behind Fazbear Entertainment opened Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria to combine family-friendly fun and cutting-edge animatronic technology," the lady stated. Carissa scoffed at the mention of cutting-edge technology in this rundown place.

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