Someone Who is Trying to Help

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   Carissa returned home and settled into the familiar living room, a space that held countless memories of her father. She wasn't taken aback by his absence; he had a reputation for disappearing frequently. Being a present father was not his strong suit. Carissa let out a weary sigh and sank into the soft cushions of the couch.

   Henry's eyes snapped open, only to find himself still bound tightly by ropes and tape. His mouth remained sealed shut, although he couldn't fathom the purpose behind it. Confusion clouded his mind as he struggled to identify his whereabouts, unsure if his desperate cries for help would reach anyone. The door creaked open, and unsurprisingly, it was William.

   "Well, Henry..." William paused, relishing in the sight of his captive. "You certainly have seen better days." He chuckled, tearing the tape off Henry's mouth.

   Henry groaned and muttered, "I'm glad you find this amusing, William." His voice laced with bitterness.

   William found great amusement in Henry's words, his laughter echoing through the room as he nodded in agreement. Anger simmered within Henry as he locked eyes with William, his fury intensifying.

   "You know, Henry," William began, a sly smile playing on his lips. "It's quite interesting that your own daughter hasn't lifted a finger to find you after an entire day of your disappearance. No calls to the police, no search parties... nothing."

   Henry scoffed, his voice dripping with skepticism. "And how would you even know if she called the police?"

   William chuckled, turning towards Henry with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. "Don't you worry, Henry. I have my sources," he murmured. A sigh escaped his lips as he continued, "She probably didn't even question your absence. In her eyes, you're just the neglectful father once again." William's laughter filled the air, relishing in the sight of Henry's heartbreaking expression.

   Refusing to be defeated, Henry looked up and muttered, his voice heavy with resignation, "So, this is what you came back for? Just to remind me of what a failure I am?"

   A cold, distant look flickered in William's eyes as he replied, his voice devoid of any warmth, "No. What I truly came back for was this." In one swift motion, he thrust another syringe into Henry's body, causing a surge of pain to course through his veins. "I can't afford to have you make another sound in this room," William muttered to himself, his words fading as Henry's consciousness began to slip away.

   As Carissa sat on the couch, engrossed in her thoughts, a sudden knock at the door startled her. Her heart skipped a beat, she yearned for her father's return. With an eager anticipation, she sprung up from the couch and hurried towards the door. Swinging it open, she came face to face with Ava.

   "Hey Ava," Carissa muttered, her voice filled with curiosity. "What brings you here?" she queried, noticing the unease in Ava's expression.

   "Someone broke into Freddy's," Ava stated firmly, her tone laced with concern. She paused for a moment, shaking her head in disbelief. "Do you really think you're cut out for this job?" she added, a hint of bitterness seeping through her words.

   Carissa sighed, the weight of the recent event weighing on her. But then, a memory flashed through her mind - the man she had seen earlier tampering with one of the vents. Determination filled her voice as she spoke, "I know who did it. I saw him meddling with one of the vents earlier. I'm certain it was him."

   Ava's curiosity peaked, and she inquired, "And what did he look like?"

   "Well," Carissa began, trying to recall every detail, "he had dark, wavy hair, some facial hair, and hazel eyes. That's all I can remember," she mumbled.

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