Last Night At Freddy's

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Carissa spent the entire day anxiously pacing around her house, her mind consumed by worry and fear. She couldn't help but call Mike's number repeatedly, but he never answered. The reality sank in that she would have to face William alone tonight at Freddy's. Sitting down on the couch, Carissa closed her eyes, bracing herself for what might be her last day alive. As she contemplated her impending death, she found solace in the thought of reuniting with her sister and mother. She yearned to see her mother happy again, to witness the return of the caring and nurturing woman she once knew. The tragic loss of Charlie had changed her mother's demeanor, and Emilie's subsequent suicide only deepened the void. Now, it was just Carissa and Henry. That's why she needed to get him back - he was her last remaining family. Without him, she would be truly alone. Opening her eyes, Carissa took a deep breath and allowed herself to be consumed by her thoughts for a while longer.


"Twyla! Stop! Please!" Mike pleaded desperately as Twyla tested her new creation, Hallucigen Gas, on him. This gas had the power to show a person their deepest fears. Before Mike's eyes, vivid images from the worst day of his life played out. He relived the horrifying moment when he placed his little brother Garrett in the jaws of the Fredbear animatronic, the spring locks sealing his brother's fate in an instant.

Twyla finally ceased the gas and stared at her brother, realizing the immense trauma she had caused him. With a sinister grin on her face, she remarked, "Well, it certainly works, doesn't it?" Mike glared at his sister and muttered, "Go to hell." Twyla, hearing his words, sneered and asked, "What did you just say?"

"I said, go to hell," Mike repeated defiantly. Twyla, feeling her power over her defenseless brother, pulled out a pocket knife and pointed it at him, warning, "Let's not forget who's tied up and defenseless here. It's certainly not me, so watch your words." With that, she threw the knife onto a nearby desk and left the basement. Mike turned his head to look at the knife and a mischievous idea formed in his mind, causing a grin to spread across his face.

When Twyla and William finally left the house, Mike wasted no time. He swiftly grabbed the pocket knife from the desk and began cutting the ropes that bound his wrists. Once his hands were free, he leaned forward and started working on the ropes that secured his ankles to the chair. With determination, Mike freed himself and tucked the pocket knife into his pocket. He scanned the basement, searching for additional weapons. His eyes landed on a couple of tasers, and he quickly grabbed two of them. Without hesitation, he made his way upstairs, out the front door, and headed towards the Pizzeria. He hoped to arrive before Twyla and William, ready to take them down if necessary.

Meanwhile, Carissa raced to the pizzeria, her heart pounding in her chest. As she arrived, she noticed an eerie emptiness. With her flashlight illuminating the darkness, she entered the pizzeria, cautiously surveying her surroundings. Standing at the center, she called out, "How can I free you? Tell me!" A brief silence followed before whispers filled the air once again.

"Destroy, disassemble, free us," the whispers chanted repeatedly. Carissa pondered for a moment, considering her next move. "So, you want me to destroy the animatronics?" she asked, but this time, there was no response. Determined, she retrieved a crowbar from her bag and began dismantling each animatronic, starting with the brown bear, then the blue bunny, followed by the chicken, and finally the pirate fox. Initially, nothing seemed to happen, but then she heard the front door creak open. She quickly retreated backstage, hiding behind the red curtains. Peeking out, she spotted Mike, his expression filled with urgency.

"Mike?" Carissa called out softly. Instantly, Mike turned towards her, relief washing over his face.

"Carissa," he mumbled, rushing towards her and embracing her in a quick hug. He then reached into his bag, pulling out a taser and handing it to her. "Take this. We can use it on the animatronics-" Mike's words were cut short when he noticed the shattered remains of the animatronics on the floor. Confusion filled his eyes as he questioned Carissa, "What the hell happened here?"

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