✭ Otherside ✭

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  As a musician in the area, especially one who was working with Diego Brando, it would have been shocking if Gyro hadn't ever heard of Johnny "Jo-Kid" Joestar. His popularity had skyrocketed after his brother's suicide, but every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Whether it was the fame or the pressure from his father, Johnny started to make bad decisions. Anyone who had to work with him would consider it a chore; working with the bratty teenager was the last thing any aspiring roadie would choose to do. Gyro knew that he and Diego had worked on an EP together in the past. They had also performed together as openings, duets, and such, seemingly getting along just fine. At least, that's what the media said. Still, he couldn't help but wonder how long it would take for one, or both, of the tempered musicians to start a fight. What would cause it? How would it play out? There was so much that neither Gyro nor HotPants knew about who Johnny really was behind his celebrity appearance. It even seemed that Diego wasn't even sure what to expect, seeing as he hadn't worked with Johnny since well before his accident. Who knows what kind of person he was all this time later? If he still looked down his nose at everyone, or if it had changed him in some way, who knew if he even held the same passion for music? Stepping out of the scene for so long could mean that he has no interest in ever coming back.

    Each of the members of Creamstarter were warming up on their respective instruments while waiting for Johnny to arrive. Gyro had pulled his long, dirty blonde hair into a ponytail and out of his way, continuing to make up various tunes and melodies on his keyboard. HotPants plucked at her bass, and the sound of loud music could be heard coming from her earbuds. And eventually, there was a knock at the door.

    "Color me surprised, how'd you make it up the stairs?" Diego patronized after opening the door.

    "Hilarious, I could just leave."

    To Gyro and HotPants, Johnny seemed shorter in person, granted he was seated in his wheelchair today. He seemed skinny and pale, signifying that he didn't get out much anymore. He had dark purple bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. All in all, he looked rough. Not the visage that either of them assumed the ex-celebrity to have. It made him wonder if the bait-like articles were right, that he was battling certain substance abuse issues, and if he had fallen back into them.

    "Y'know, I'm still not sure about joining y'all on this tour. I just showed up because I wanted to see how y'all..we.. sounded, I guess." He said quietly while getting his guitar out of its case.

    "If we're good enough to meet your standards, then you'll join us?" Gyro questioned with a hint of sarcasm, testing the waters to see if Johnny was really as much of an asshole as he had heard.

    "I didn't mean nothing by it. If I sound like shit, then I'm not gonna play."

    After everyone had made their introductions and the equipment was set up to begin practicing, Diego counted them off. Surprisingly, the band sounded alright with its newest guitarist. Despite not having played for quite some time, Johnny was still capable of keeping up and sounding decent with everyone else. Continuing to practice, the band didn't have much to argue about for a while.

    When he got home after practice, Johnny continued to work hard on the songs they would perform. The tips of his fingers were sore and red from continuous practice; he only decided to call it a night when he drew enough blood to require a bandage. Was it out of determination? Did he have something to prove to the band? To the media, who had cast him to the side? Or was it simply something to occupy his mind? Either way, he went to the bathroom to wrap up his ring finger and grab a benadryl before bed. Staring at the pill in his hand, he eventually decided to put it back into the bottle and head to bed without it.

    A notification pinged his phone just as he sat down on the couch. An unknown number, typical, someone had probably leaked his new phone number again. But before he blocked it, Johnny decided to open it and see just what this person might have to say.

    Hey Jojo! I looked at some of your old performances, hope you aren't as bad to work with as they say you are.

Who is this?

    Oh sorry. Its Gyro, Diego gave me and HP your number after practice.

    Johnny sighed, thanking himself for his curiosity in asking who it was. Having to explain to Gyro why he blocked him would've seemed pretty conceited. 'Sorry, I thought you were a fan.' Saying that would just prove that Johnny really was still some entitled prick.


Hey sorry. I hope I'm not hard to work with

    We'll see. Anyways, I just wanted to shoot you a text so you had my number.

Alr. Don't call me Jojo. I don't like nicknames.

    Part of him felt bad for being harsh, but Jojo was a nickname he had always hated. In fact, most every nickname he had gained over the years just pissed him off now. Reminding him of a worse, yet more successful, version of himself.

    Don't like nicknames?

No, they're lame.

    That's a shame, guess you'll have to get used to mine.

Gyro is a nickname?

    Uhh yeah, who would name their kid that?

    Now he felt like a dumbass. Gyro was such an obvious nickname, HotPants too. Johnny didn't want to seem too personal, but curiosity was killing him, and he just had to ask.

Then what is your real name? Why not go by that, seems easier.

    Next question.

    He pried too far. Johnny put a hand up to his face and set down his phone. Leave it to him to be too nosey and make things uncomfortable between his new bandmates.


That wasn't my business anyway.

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