Fall of the King

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Pitch sat in his throne, drumming his fingernails against the cold stone. He tried in vain to ignor the incesant tugging from the unkown force that influenced Black somehow. His rats had seen the Guardians arrive a short ways from his rocky sanctuary, and he smiled grimly to himself. It was Black who had saved them last time, if not for her, they would have fallen to their knees before him long ago. Did they really think that the distance between him and Black would make enough of a difference for them to overcome him once more? He scoffed at their ignorance. Of course they thought that, he mused. They saw themselves as envoys of light, and hope, and joy, and that gave them overconfidence. Without Black, they would crumble before him. The rat creatures hummed and growled feeling their masters excitment. Pitch clutched Blacks staff tightly in one hand. It would work for him this time, he swore. He would make it. He only need wait just a short while longer, and he will have the vengence he has long sought after. Oh how he would savour every last scream.

As if on cue, the rats all turned their attention to the large doorway he had sculpted out of the rock. He had added more luxaries and space scince Black had been stolen from him, and the cave looked more and more like his original hollow underneath the broken bed where he once called home. After all he was the Nightmare KING. He should have a palace shouldnt he? The rats stared into the opening, nostrils raised, sniffing the air for any sign of their prey. Pitch raised a hand. " Go." He almost whispered. " and bring them back so I can watch the light fade from their eyes." He smiled. The rats roard and snareled, pouring out of the opening like a sea of dark shadows. He heard a yell he was sure was Jacks, and layed back in his chair, shutting his eyes pleasently, readying himself to hear the musical shreiks and screams the guardians would utter as the rats fell upon them. But what he heard were not agonizing crys of pain, nor whimpers of fear. He heard angry snarels, and pained grunts coming from his own creatures, and a few triumphant war cries from North. 

As the sounds grew louder, Pitch snapped open his eyes. The Guardians were pushing thier way through the long dark tunnel, actualy holding his dear fearlings at bay without so much as striking them. What?! He thought. He watched in a furious confusion, gripping the stone arms of his throne until they cracked under his nails.The Guardians all held their wepons in front of them, somehow warding off the rats without so much as touching them. It wasnt until they fully pushed their way inside his throne room did he notice the green and purple vines entangling themselevs around each of the Guardians weapons. He noticed the same greenery circling Norths torso like a sash. He reconized the delecate flowers right away, and grit his teeth in an icy snarel. Posies. Of course. He rememberd from long ago in the dark ages, Black always had a problem with them. She must have told them, he cursed her. 

He underestimated her and the Guardians, but no matter. His own power was mixed in with Blacks inside each of the rats, thats the only reason the flowers affected them so. But his power was slowly overpowering hers, reguardless of the odd sensation he felt aiding Black, whom he noticed was not present amoung the Guardians. Once his power comleatly overtook Blacks inside the fearlings, the posies would no longer have any affect. He chuckled darkly to himself. And how stupid the guadians would look rushing into battle covered in flowers for 'protection' He simply needed to stall them for a short time, just long enough for him to focus more of his power into them.

" Ha ha ha, well isnt this a sight. The mighty Guardians, dawned in little flowers!" He taunted their embarrasing dresswear. "Pitch!" Jack yelled.  Oh there he is, thought Pitch, little Jack come to avenge his friend. He could feel the power in his rats bubble and stir. The rats began tossing their heads, growing darker and darker with each passing second. The only one of the Guardians to notice was Sandy. He studied the strange creatures, tring to understand the change, and decide whether if it was a threat or not. The rest of them had their anger filled eyes on Pitch. " You cant stay out of trouble, can you?" Jack snapped. So like him, Pitch thought irritated. Such over confidence. " Oh please Jack, dont make it seem you youself werent as mischivious before you joined them." His eyes narrowed at North and the others. Jacks brows furrowed. " We are nothing alike!" Pitch only laughed. " Think what you will, Jack. So tell me, how is my little fearling doing? Still collapsed in her own misery and fear?" He smiled at Jack, amused at the way his face twisted with rage. " Better now she's about to be avenged!" Jack shot a burst of bright ice at Pitch, but he simply shadowed himself to the bottom of his dark stage, out of the attacks path. 

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