a visit to Tooth Castle

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Jack sat on a small ledge covered in snow. He could see over the blanketed forest and the outskirts of the city, reviving itsself from the drawn out blizard. Jack tapped his staff on the rock and made little doodles in the snow. He had no idea how he was going to talk to Black when just finding her seemed an impossible task. He remembered the first time he saw her, she almost seemed scared of him. He rememebered hey wide, glowinf crimson eyes, and mouth slightly open in a shocked ghasp. He remembered the way she swept her staff, dissapearing in a whisp of smoke and a black flash, almost shadow like.

It was obvious from talking to Santa that she wasnt well liked, and it was obvious why. The other guardians were around longer than he was, and Blakc plague had been around for centuries, so maybe they knew where she lived, or at the very least could tell him more about her. He knew Santa would not want to talk more about her, with the way he acted last time, and he knew Bunnymunds problalby would not want to talk about her much wither. He could barely understand Sand man so he was out of the question. Tooth Fairy was always light hearted, and she was always willing to help a friend, hopefully he could get at least a few answeres from her. Or better yet he could see Blacks memories through her baby teeth.

He took off in the blink of an eye, gliding on the chilled december air. The snow flurries in the air fluttered around him as he flew, heading for Tooth Island as fast as he could. The flight took a few hours, but he didnt really notice. He didnt really notice anything, he had too much on his mind. Black, his odd interest in her, that horribly disfigured man in the ally way, he didnt even notice when he finnaly did arive. The castle, though it has suffered terribly during its invasion by Pitch, looked as glorious as it had the first time he had seen it. He stooped briefly to admire it. Tall, with many towers and rooms, almost a sold gold speckled with elegant purple rooks and window ledges, etched with intracit designs that curved and swirled up the sides of the towers. The air was filled with tiney flitteres as the smaller fairy folk went about their jod, bringing in teeth and taking small quarters to give to the children.

The entire castle glistened and glittered in the sun. He swooped in and quickly found his friend, frantically giving orderers to her workers, flittering in a cricle like a humming bird. He laughed as she circled him several times without aknowlaging his presence. At the sound of his laughter, she did a double take, before flittering to him. " OH Jack! Hi How are you its been- 4242 Walaby way sidney OH 6789...." She continued to give adresses for her little fairies to travel to, it was her job, and kids loose teeth every day in every continent. Jack didnt kind much, he knew how hard she works. He was still sore from devivering to one continent months ago, and he had the others help! Tallking with her was a bit of a problem though. He never knew when he actaully had her attention.

" Hey Tooth, I found..another Imortal and she-"

" 38744 Brooklyn drive, 1313 munster lane," tooth issued.

" Shes kind of weird but I was wondering if-"

" 4 privit Drive, oh and apartment b in shady oaks, "

" I want to know if you knew anything about her-"

"1813 Adams road, 1492 Colombus drive,"

" Her, her name is Black Plague..."

At the sound of her name, all the little flittering of fairies ceased, and Tooth herself stopped for once. " O.k., O.k. c.mon girls we've got orders to fill!" She urges and the others flittered off faster than Jack could blink. " Where, where did you hear that name? " Tooth stuttered." I uh- I saw her. I just wanted to-" " Jakc, stay away from her!" Tooths wings fluttered frustratingly, beating at an irregular pace. " But-" " Jack, she brings nothing but death and fear!" " But she didnt look so bad when I saw her, she-she actually looked scared! " Jack argued. Tooth stared long and hard at him, trying to keep a strait face. Come with me Jack. " She fluttered off quickly, don a corridor and up a tall tower. She came to a stop at a room at the very top, and rushed him inside.

The room was empty, exept for a small dusty deas, made of dark rotting wood. The room itself stood out from the entire castle. Insted of shinning gold and royal decorations or elegent tapestries, this room was a dull gray, cobblestone walls held dozons of spider webs and dirt, and the concrete floor was cracked and stained with dark pools. Tooth slowly opened one of the droors in the desk. Inside was a single canaster Jack reconized was for holding Teeth. " There used to be two in her. Hers, and Pitch's. He took his and kept it, or destroyed it, Idont know, but they were never recovered after he raided the castle. " tooth's eyes seemed distant, re-living having to watch her home crumble in on itself. After a time, she handed the canaster to Jack. I think this will help you understand. Jack carefully too the canaster and held it in his hands, turning it over and over between his palms. He ran a thumb over her picture on the end of it. He slowly opened it and was engulfed in a white light, only to be thrown back into darkness.

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