a Trip to Town

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The darkest of pairs stood at the edge of a small town, watching silently the daily lives of the people play out in front of them. Children played, parents fussed, others made way for their work places, and animals darted in and out of sight, some away from the strolling passers-by, others houding for food scraps. Pitch sneered at them, thinking the entire display was nothing more than the pathetic rituals of peasent life. But he turned to see that Grimm had a great difference in the way she saw the bustling place. She watched with a bright grin on her face as children all scrambled over each other, and a few tossed sticks for dogs, and even at the incohearent cries from the traffic filled streets, all nagging at each other. For the first time in quite a long time, she gets to see an actaul town up close, she gets to see people, real, living, people, go about their lives. The last time she did this electricity hadnt been discovered yet. An unfortunetly, neither did indoor plumbing.

Pitch looked at the busy place once more. Did she really miss it this much? hasn't she realized that she was above such trivial lifestyles? Or, did that not matter at all to her? "Well, come on then!" she practically giggled, and started off with a live pace for the streets. " Slow down will you! Its not going anywhere!" she only laughed at his naggings. This was a good time, a very good time. She wasnt going to let him get to her. Not today. She walked lightly and quickly through the melting slush, not caring how cold it made her feet. She was used to being cold, being shut up in Bodie for all that time. She didnt stop or slow until she reached the closest building, hiding behind it as i someone were after her. She grinned at the passing people, keeping to themselves, fiddeling with phones, or little children hurring to keep pace with them. Pitch caught up to her at last, huffing a breath. He was annoyed at her, but there wasnt much he could do about it. He leaned against the building, staring at the trees where they had just came, not really paying any attention to anything else at all, until he happened to pass a glance at Grimm.

Her cheery, joyful demeanor seemed to have vanised. She stood still, staring at her hands, wringing themselves gently within her sleeves. She stole a few quick looks at the streets, concern in her eyes. Pitch knew at once what was going through her mind, what made her suddenly change like that. He could feel the fear resonating off of her, but he didnt need that to know. It was obvious enough. " Worried?" He wasnt taunting her. She glanced quickly at him, then turned her attention back to the town. she was quiet for a minuet, then answered, " A bit." Silence fell between them. Pitch watched the town with her, making no noise, but thinking. "You looked like you were doing fine, just, watch your hands." He spoke softly to her, watching her. She turned, and met his eyes, a little off set by his sudden encouragement. Not five minuets ago he was nagging at her not to leave. She guessed it was because the sooner she got what she needed, the sooner he could go back to sulking at Stone-Tree, the shut-in, the thought.

"....O.k..." She agreed in little more than a whisper, and set off at a calm pace, into the town. Pitch followed close behind. He occasionally glanced briefly, and bordly at the passing people, but mostly he watched Grimm. Her head never seemed to stop turning, eternally amazed at every other thing she saw, though he felt it was common, every day occurances, nothing to get so worked up about. But everything seemed so joyous to Grimm, the crying babies in cradles, the little yipping doggs nipping at peoples heels, the annoying teenager making pointless mischief in the alley way, it was all so common yet, so new to her. She hasnt been this close to civilazation like this in centuries, it was always too dangerous for her to be around living. The closest she could get was in the deepest of nights, or worst of storms where she could slip in, away from everyone, to take the life of one infected with sickness. But this, this was pure bliss, watching others walk by, so close, so alive.

Neither of them had any knowlage of the streets, so finding the right store took a while. After a time, Pitch noticed something. No one saw him, which was normal, though he hated it. He walked around everyone, to avoi colliding withthem. He would just, go striat through them, without any pain or discomfort, but it was disheartening to be constantly reminded that to them you didnt exist. Grimm did the same, but something was wrong. Normally, when people passed each other on the street, they would at least spare a passing glance, or smile, or the occasional strangers greeting, but none seemed to do that to Grimm. No one stopped to wonder why that girl was acting so strange, and none seemed to notice her other worldly eyes. He, the Guardians, and all the other legendary figures could be seen only by those who believed in them. Thanks to the Guardians, not many beleived in him, and he wasnt suprised that none could see him, but Grimm was the embodiment of death itself. Death isnt something you can just choose not to believe in. It was there, whether you wanted it to be or not, and wether you like to accept it or not. Yet he still came to the conclusion that, Grimm herself, could not be seen either.

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