Chapter 1

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It was a typical day in the compound. The Avengers were discussing an upcoming mission. However, two of the founding members were upset. Though everyone had the same mission file, the two of them only saw that they wouldn't be home, and neither of them found that reasonable.

"The mission will take at least six months," Nat informed them, "if not an entire year. I know some of us have other obligations, but-"

Steve cut her off, saying, "And you expect them to just drop everything for the mission? Go off the grid? Not all of us have that luxury, Nat."

"And I get that, but we need as many of us on this mission that we can get."

"Look," Bucky said, "we get it, pal. But we don't have much of a choice."

Bucky could see his best friend getting agitated and understood why. Unlike the others, Steve had gone through a mountain of red tape to stay on the team so he could keep a stable home and his partner had done the same. Going on simple missions was now a matter of signing the correct forms on the proper line and if he couldn't do that, Steve could have his world taken from him.

Nat knew just enough to know why the blond super soldier was upset over the mission. The odds of Steve going were slim but even being an Avenger wouldn't provide enough retirement benefits for him to live off of, especially with his situation.

Sensing the struggle in Steve, Tony said, "Yeah, well, Cyclops just needs to come to terms with the fact not all of us can work twenty-four-seven."

Steve was lost in thought, drowning out the attempts to come up with a solution that would work and allow all the members to take part. He knew the courts wouldn't allow him to be away that long, but the cover they had given him wouldn't have allowed him to have an excuse to be home every few weeks. They were just going around in circles all because Fury couldn't wrap his head around the fact that Steve couldn't be on missions for more than two months.

The sound of his phone beeping caught Steve's attention. For all that was still wrong in the world, the super soldier had to admit, technology wasn't always one of them. He unlocked his phone and suppressed a groan.

He had received a text saying, "Mr. Rogers, it is imperative that you collect your child."

"I have to go," Steve announced, getting up from his chair.

Nat looked shocked and said, "But we aren't done!"

"Well, I am."

Tony looked exasperated. Only one thing could get Steve to leave a meeting early and that meant a stressful night was in store.


After a half-hour drive, Steve arrived at the Broadway School of Performing Arts. All sorts of scenarios played through his head. Because it was a text, he knew no one was injured. That didn't mean it was good news.

He went to the desk and the secretary just handed him a paper with a room number. They were all familiar with seeing Captain America at that point and no longer made him wait. He stomped to the classroom, his temper rising as he did.

"Thank you for coming, Mr. Rogers," Mr. Atwell said.

Steve held up his hand and replied, "Just tell me where she is."

A young woman peaked around a column. A set of blue-green eyes stared at him as a curtain of chocolate hair with dark green highlights fell in waves. There was such an innocent look on her face, but neither man was fooled.

"Hey, Dad," she said, her voice mimicking her face.

Steve growled, "Erika Rogers-Stark, what have you done now?"

Erika just gave him a look, as if asking him if he really was that stupid. That alone told him there was more than what he knew and it was time to listen.

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