Chapter 4

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Steve ran from the common room up the stairs, bursting through the door, saying, "Erika! I'm here! I'm alright!"

Erika ran to him, crying as she said "She- she shot you."

Steve held her as she shook, knowing what had happened. "I know, but I'm okay. We got you out."

He sat her down and just rocked her until she wasn't quaking. He was grateful that his daughter had started to have a normal life. He hated when she had nightmares. It always ended with him shot as he took her out of that evil den. Hell, he had nightmares about it still, though his ended very different from their reality.

Sharon had shot him and then locked the broom closet door to try and keep everyone out. Bucky and Tony had been with him that day, and he was glad he had insisted that they go with him to pick up Erika. They had planned on taking her out for a fun day at Coney Island, but when the shot rang out, Bucky and Tony ran in, breaking the door.

Erika yelling for Steve to stay with her alerted them. Sharon spitting out degrading words told them it was the blond woman's fault. They managed to get to Steve and Erika before any permanent damage had been done. The only lasting scar Steve had was the bullet wound. However, when the police appeared, Sharon tried to play it off as Erika playing with her gun and that Bucky had taught his niece how to use it, that Erika had gone crazy because of it. However, Tony had managed to tap into her security system and played the tapes for the police. It was enough to have Sharon taken and Erika was told that she had nothing to worry about now.

Erika never got past the hate Sharon had for her, and just the mention of her mother had the nightmares playing. Steve wished he could take it from her but he couldn't. After about ten minutes, Erika sagged against him, sleeping again. He smiled. It had only been four years, but she was so strong. She wouldn't have another nightmare for a while. He was grateful for that, at least. He guessed it was partially to do with an imprisoned god, but he didn't care. His daughter was healing.

He laid her down and made his way back to the team. He left the door open so that he wouldn't have to fight it open if she did have another nightmare. He walked into the room and everyone looked up at him like they had been waiting for him to return.

Nat looked concerned as she asked, "Is she okay?"

Steve said, "She's fine. It was just a nightmare."

"Not again," Tony sighed. "I'll get the cheeseburgers."

The billionaire got up to make a phone call. It was his night to get dinner anyway. No one noticed when he left. Everyone was waiting for Steve to say something, but Sam wasn't the most patient Avenger when it came to gossip.

"I don't mean to pry," the coffee-skinned man said, "but who is the girl and why did she call you dad?"

"Because she's Steve's daughter," Bucky said, annoyed.

Thor asked, "What happened to her?"

"I don't know about today, but her life is none of your business."

Steve looked upset as he replied, "They'll need to know at some point."

"When she's ready. Don't you dare force it, Steve."

Bucky knew what it was like to have his life torn apart by others. He didn't want that for Erika. Still, he knew Steve was right, they would need to know what was happening to her. He hated it, hated that she would have to go through that.

"Oh God!" Natasha said, drawing Bucky from his thoughts. "It's bad, isn't it?"

The sight of his Widow so upset, hurt him. Natasha was always so strong and now, here she was breaking in front of him. He hadn't liked that she had been kept out of the loop for the most part when Natasha would be able to help her the most.

"Doll, don't cry," Bucky said, his features softening. "She's home and she's safe."

Natasha looked at him, the devastation clear in her eyes as she replied, "But not before the damage was done."

Bucky pulled her into his arms. "Hey, it's okay. She's getting help and she has family to fix what happened."

The redhead moved back to look at her Soldier. "What's the point? I don't know why I keep fighting if it doesn't stop."

"I know it seems hopeless but Steve made sure Sharon-"

"Sharon?" everyone exclaimed, reminding Bucky that they weren't alone.

"Good going, Buck," Steve groaned.

Now, it was Bucky's turn to look upset. He had never meant to reveal anything of his niece's past, but now, it was out in the open.

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