Chapter 3

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Steve stopped Erika in the entryway. He knew many of the Avengers would have questions for her as soon as she walked in. After what happened, he didn't want her to have to wade through that.

"Why don't you go take a nap, princess?" he suggested. "It's been a stressful day."

She clutched her bag, replying, "Sure. See you at dinner."

She knew what would be coming. But that didn't mean she couldn't try to get through the rest of the afternoon. She didn't bother changing. It wouldn't matter and she didn't want to go through multiple PJs over this.

Just as she was comfortable and let her guard down, she was slammed into her past. It wasn't as traumatic as many of the others in her family, but for her, it was everything that held her back. It was why she couldn't stand being compared with Sharon Carter.


Erika was only ten. Ten. She should have been begging to play outside at the very least. But no. Here she was, in oversized clothes, standing before her mother, tears falling. She held her stomach. She needed something, anything to fill it.

"Hey, mom," she said hesitantly. "I finished cleaning and-"

"And what?" Sharon growled, the scent of her steak wafting through the air. "You think your lazy ass deserves to eat? Half of the dishes are still dirty and the laundry isn't folded! You're useless!"

"But I did all the chores." Erika tried to be discreet in looking for her food, but she knew it didn't exist. "Please, mom. I haven't eaten all weekend. I'm really hungry."

Sharon shoved her food back. Of course she hadn't cooked for the brat. Why would she want another woman around to steal Steve from her? She already had to compete with Stark. Starving the little bitch was slow, but less condemning. She could always say Erika was just doing it for attention. Steve would believe her. But then, Steve was the problem.

"This is your father's fault for coddling you!" Sharon condemned. "You're worthless!" She saw Erkia wipe tears as she silently wept. "Will you stop that fucking crying?"

"I'm sorry," Erika replied. "I'll try to do better."

Sharon's fists balled up. What was the point? Sharon hated the child in front of her. Steve didn't want Sharon, just Erika. But the blond woman was forced to care for the brat just because she gave birth to her. Erika kept Steve in her life and Sharon would do everything in her power to keep him there.

"No matter what I do," Sharon said, venom dripping from every word, "you just don't fucking learn."

Sharon knew she was teaching Erika to be exactly what Sharon saw her as, a good-for-nothing piece of shit that owed Sharon her very existence. If Erika ever got a backbone, Sharon would be in so deep, even the Raft would look like heaven. The Avengers would see to it.

"And what happens when brats don't listen?" Sharon asked menacingly, knowing she had to remind Erika of her place.

Sharon held back her smile, seeing the girl cower back. Erika knew what was coming. She had dared to ask for anything other than cleaning supplies. She dared to speak directly to her mother. Sharon's evil eyes turned to the dark-haired child. Why did she have to have the same hair as Peggy Carter? As every other Carter? Sharon had dyed her hair to be closer to Steve. Now, here was Erika, reminding her that she would always be in third place. Erika and Peggy came first, in that order.

"Fine," Sharon said, dark joy filling her. "Don't answer. It just means it gets worse."

"No!" Erika yelled, running to the broom closet she called a room. "Mom, please!" She tried to shut the door before Sharon caught her, but she couldn't help defending herself. "I didn't do anything wrong!"

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