Ch. 3 You are not alone anymore

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The trio and the two animals decided to hide inside three barrels. The animals were relaxed thanks to Isabel comforting them as the barrels moved into the ship. Once they felt the barrels had stopped moving, they poked the cork out of the holes to breathe and communicate.

" Isabel. What now?" Chihuahueño asked, getting anxious.

" Those two better decide what to do next because I am getting hungry," Iago says.

" Hey. Tulio. Miguel. Now that we are on the ship. Where do we go? Iago is hungry, and Chihuahueño gets anxious inside a tight space for long." Isabel says.

" Okay. Okay. Miguel, Isa. We gotta move fast." Tulio says. " On three, we jump out and head to the nearest shelter within the ship no one uses." He instructs.

" Good. Good. Excellent." Miguel agreed.

" I hope you two know what we are doing," Isabel says, sounding worried.

" Have faith in me, Isa," Tulio reassured.

" Now. One, two, three!" The trio used their strength to get out of the barrel.

" I am free!" Iago pokes his head out.

" Fresh air!" Chihuahueño sighed in relief.

" Glad I was able to get us out," Isabel looked relieved as she got off the barrel and held Chihuahueño in her arms.

" One. Two. Three!" Miguel and Tulio tried to open the barrel but couldn't.

" Why aren't we getting out, Tulio?" Miguel asked, sounding confused.

" I don't know!" Tulio responded, sounding alarmed.

Isabel turned, her eyebrows rose, and her eyes widened when she saw the crew put stuff on top of the two barrels that Tulio and Miguel were in.

" Sorry to say this, you two. But, you guys have heavy stuff on top of the barrels," She stated.

Chihuahueño and Iago looked at the two barrels in relief since they weren't trapped inside.

" What do we do?" Miguel asked, sounding scared.

" Isa! Is there a way for you to take the stuff off of us?" Tulio asked, sounding worried.

" I can't take all of that stuff on my own. I'll get caught and walk the plank," Isa kneels and looks at Tulio and Miguel through the peephole.

" Don't worry. I'll be near and find a way to give you guys food and water." She stands and looks at her surroundings.

She turns and walks away with Chihuahueño and Iago, leaving Tulio and Miguel alone inside the barrels.

" Isa!" Tulio hissed when he saw Isabel leaving, getting scared since he was stuck inside a barrel.

" Isabel! If you find food, make sure to smash it in the peephole. I'll eat it somehow." Miguel watched Isabel leave.

Isabel, Chihuahueño, and Iago sneakily walk against the wall, making sure not to get caught by the crew.

" We need to find a place where it's close to the kitchen and near the barrels where the boys are," Isabel says while looking at Chihuahueño and Iago.

Chihuahueño's ears twitched when he heard something.

" Wait! Do you guys hear that?" Chihuahueño asked.

Isabel stops walking, causing her and Iago to look at Chihuahueño. The trio stayed quiet when they started to hear a voice.

" Hernán said I will be safe in this boat. But all this boat does is rock left to right. I am getting sick. I want to get out of this place already, but they have me tied up. At least his men gave me a mountain of carrots. But I do not know how long they will last because I do not know how long I will be here." Altivo babbled.

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