Get to Know Johnny!

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Johnny Clarkson is a single 22-year old musician, who also does production and other music-related work for other musicians. After finishing college, Johnny set up an online music mixing and mastering service with a clientele of mostly fellow bands and artists in his area.

He plays guitar, bass, drums, keys and sings with his band The SHIELD, along with his friends Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Mike Mizanin (aka The Miz) and Dolph Ziggler. He lives alone in a house he bought after saving up from college and also thanks to the money he made doing production. Though he enjoys the occasional beer, his main beverage of choice is coffee, because... Come on, what is life without a cup of Joe?

The SHIELD are managed by Paul Levesque (aka Triple H) and Shawn Michaels, formerly of the band D Generation X (or DX for short). They have a sizable following in their area and have released a few singles, which have seen some airplay on the radio and a good amount of streams online.

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