There's A New Band In Town

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The sound was unmistakable: the bright sound of an acoustic guitar playing, the low end of the bass, the gentle yet still powerful drums, electric piano, and the sweet, angelic voice of a girl. Bliss Cross Applesauce was playing, and he, along with the rest of the audience, were awed into silence by the band. After their set at Vinny M's, Johnny plucked up the courage to go backstage and meet them.

He walked towards them, his heart pounding. The guitarist/vocalist had her back turned, so Johnny tapped on her shoulder to get her attention. "Um... H-hi?" He stuttered. The girl paid him no mind, and walked away, giggling.

"Hey, wait!" Johnny ran after the girl, and her bandmates, who also ran away.



Johnny woke up, startled by his dream. It had been the morning after the SHIELD's gig, and he barely got any sleep, thanks to Bliss Cross Applesauce's cover of their song still ringing in his head. He looked at his clock: 6:45 a.m. Oh well, it's official, Johnny mutters to himself, I'm not getting any more sleep today. He gets out of bed and does his usual routine before deciding to take a walk around the neighborhood. On his way back home, he saw a new face on the house next door: a girl, roughly his age, blonde hair with pink tips, who appears to be about five feet tall. They locked eyes for a couple of seconds, then she gave him a shy smile and went back inside. He returned home, had breakfast, then went back to his room to try to get some more sleep.

11:00 a.m.

Johnny woke up again (after having the strange dream once more), and sat down at his table and took a piece of paper and a pen, ready to write another song. He was about to  write the words down, when he heard a conversation next door, coming from a group of girls.

"Ready for later, girls?"

"Yeah! I've been dyin' to play again!"

"Whoa, whoa! Excited much, Liv?"

"Ehh, can ya blame 'er, lass? We haven't jammed fer a long time, ya know!"

"Becky's right, bestie! I've been itchin' to get back to me bass!"


"I agree with them, Lex, think I've been rusty on the drums myself."

"It's settled then: later, on our garage!"

The girls whooped and cheered. Johnny looked out of the window and saw five girls, who went their separate ways. One had orange hair, one was a brunette (and a little short), one was a large woman (and kind of intimidating), one was blonde and wearing a bucket hat, and then there she was: the same blonde girl with pink tips he locked eyes with earlier. Johnny was... Intrigued, to say the least, but he just couldn't figure out why. He paid it no mind and went back downstairs to cook himself some lunch and brew another cup of coffee. He then went back upstairs to take a shower and freshen up.

12:30 p.m.

Johnny was checking a past mix of a demo he'd done of a song he'd written, when suddenly he heard a burst of guitar feedback from the house next door, drums and bass kicking in and then singing:

I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation
You're livin' in the past,
It's a new generation

A girl can do what she wants to do
And that's what I'm gonna do

And I don't give a damn 'bout my bad reputation
Oh no (No no no no no no)
Not me! (Me me me me me me)

Johnny went downstairs to have a look, being careful not to be seen. What he saw shocked him: the five girls from earlier were playing music in the garage. On drums was the large woman (whose name appears to be Nia), the orange-haired girl (Becky, as he remembered) was playing rhythm guitar and keyboards, the short brunette (Nikki) was playing bass, the bucket hat-wearing blonde (Liv) was also playing rhythm guitar. But what really caught Johnny's attention was the five-foot-tall blonde with pink tips on her hair: playing guitar confidently while singing the lyrics like she really meant what she wanted to say. He stood there, mouth hung open in disbelief and surprise. He was amazed, and... Lovestruck? No, no, no, no, no... It can't be, can't be... he muttered to himself. He went back to his house and called Roman, who picked up after three rings.

RR: "Johnny! What the hell, uce? I'm having lunch!"

JS: "Yeah, sorry about that, but you gotta listen to this!"

He went back outside, just in time to let Roman hear the end of the band's playing, after which the blonde singer yelled out:


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