After the Gig

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Johnny's POV

11:35 p.m.

We are at the diner, where I had my usual order: cheeseburger with fries and a Coke. The five of us make small talk while we eat.

MM: So, Johnny?

Me: Yeah?

MM: What did Ric tell you before we went on stage?

Me: Well, he told me to tune into his program tonight, he's got a surprise for us, he said?

DA: A surprise, eh?

SR: Nice!

DZ: Got any ideas?

Me: I don't know, honestly.

MM: You think this might be related to the new band Braun was telling us about?

Me: Hmm... Maybe you're right there, Miz. Who knows, must be their debut single or something?

DA: Probably.

SR: Or, and this is just a crazy thought I have, what if their debut single was a cover of Strangers In The Rain?

We all turned to him.

DZ: A cover of Strangers In the Rain?

SR: Hey, you never know, man.

Me: He's right, it could be a possibility.

MM: Besides, look at the bright side, at least it's added exposure for us!

DA: Damn right, Miz!

The two of them shared a high-five. I then heard a message on our radios: it was Roman.

Roman: Drummer Six to SHIELD, come in.

Me: This is Vocal One to Drummer Six, copy.

Dean: Bassist Three to Drummer Six, copy.

Seth: Guitar Two to Drummer Six, copy.

Miz: Piano Four to Drummer Six, copy, over.

Dolph: Keys Five to Drummer Six, copy. What's the situation, Drummer Six? Over.

Roman: ETA on return?

Me: We'll be there ASAP, Drummer Six.

Roman: Copy, Vocal One. Will be waiting, over and out.

All of us to Roman: Roger.

We finished our food and went back to the bar. The place was dimly lit by this point, but just enough so we could see where we are. We put on our guitars, Dolph and Mike went back to their keyboards. I heard Roman say, "Ready?" We all answered yes, so he yelled out, "1, 2, 3!" before playing the introduction again. The crowd responded with another round of applause and cheers.

I took the microphone again and said, "Thank you! Thank you, everyone. We're down to our last three songs, and we're gonna make it count for y'all!" I turned up my Vox amplifier and launched into My Sharona by the Knack, one of the songs that makes the crowd go wild everytime we play it...

...followed by the Roy Orbison classic Oh, Pretty Woman, where Seth and I once again trade licks.

It's finally time for the last song of the evening, Led Zeppelin's Rock and Roll. Roman and I switched places: him playing my Les Paul and singing, and me playing the drums. I counted off and started playing the drum intro, and then the whole band kicked in. It amazes me how a man like Roman can pull off Robert Plant's vocal style, and here he is, singing his lungs out and having a ball playing guitar. Note to self: let Roman sing more leads. On my end, I was beating on the drums like there was no tomorrow, much like Bonzo did.

It's been a long time,
Been a long time,
Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time...

This is it, time to bring the show to an end. I played a series of drum fills, just like Bonham, then stopped... Roman hit a power chord and Seth laid licks on top, Dean keeping a steady pulse on the bass, Dolph and the Miz played runs up and down their keyboards, and I finished it all off with another drum fill, throwing two drumsticks to the audience. I stood up, went to the center of the stage, drenched in sweat, and along with the other five, took a bow for the audience, who responded with screams, cheers and applause. We went backstage once again, where we relaxed and gave each other high-fives. Later we unloaded our gear from the stage, put all of our guitars on their hard cases, and loaded the amps and guitars on our van with some help from Braun.

After saying our goodbyes to both Vince and Braun, we started to drive back home, turning on the radio. We tuned in to Ric's program, and we are greeted with Jerry Lee Lewis' "Great Balls of Fire" and an enthusiastic "WOOOOOOO!!" from Ric.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, this is your Nature Boy, Ric Flair, on the air! We've got a surprise for you tonight. You may remember the SHIELD and their wonderful single Strangers In The Rain, which reminds me: hiya, Johnny! Hope you and the boys are tuning in! Now, for the first time, and exclusively on this show, here's a new band, Bliss Cross Applesauce..."

We snickered. What kind of name is that?!

"...and their debut single... And Johnny, you better take notice!, Strangers In The Rain! Once again, this is your Nature Boy......"

Roman pulled over. What?!! Surely it can't be the same song, can it?

But the song played, and Seth's hunch was right: it was indeed a cover of our Strangers In The Rain, but this version was... Unique, to say the least. The female vocalist's voice had a tender, angelic quality to it, and the musicianship was excellent. We listened to the whole song in the van, neither of us saying anything. When it ended, the first one to break the silence was Seth.


Eventually we reached my house, where they helped me stow my gear, and after giving bro hugs to all of them, I went immediately to bed, my mind still racing from Bliss Cross Applesauce's cover of our song.

A/N: Yeah, I know the whole radio thing is kinda ridiculous, but... Ehh.

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