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So many words left unsaid,
So many things but
I'm not supposed to care.
So I often ask myself did I ever deserve this pain?
My reflection stares back at me and says,
"You needed this to find yourself again."

Just as the realisation hit,
There comes your "Hey" like a laughing fit,
Making fun of my heart
Which you broke apart.
I let you slide in my dm
Only for you to leave me at sent.

You do reply after a while
And send a light "how are you?" with a smile.
I don't know what you did for those five minutes
But I hoped just like me you had all stages of anxieties.
When I replied, "I'm good. What about you?"
I didn't expect a "Nothing much, I just missed you".

There goes my heart again melting like wax
For you it was always like that and it's just basic facts.
You said, " Can't we remain friends? "
"No, 'cuz we were never that. "Just friends "".
We loved each other and we still do
Which is why we both think, 'I just wanna be with you'.

I asked you, "If our friendship remains,
Will our hearts not search for each other's again?
Will we not find ourselves in the other's arms again?
Will our attempts to move on will not be in vain again?
If I say "Okay, let's be friends" and we do,
Will you be able to see me with someone who's not you?"

We were never meant to be friends,
Just lovers or nothing else.
With this we said our goodbyes,
Promising to greet each other while passing by.
You are the favorite part in my stories,
Which will now exist in just my memories.


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