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You are boring, peaceful, turbulent, calm, weird, loveable, a little detestable, a little stagnant and stinky but overall really good.

You are boring in a way that would suddenly come over someone on a very busy and happening sunday afternoon when it finally gets quiet after a huge family lunch.

You are peaceful in a way that a soldier would feel when he can finally hug his beloved after spending month after month trying to survive on the brutal battlefield.

You are turbulent in a way that the sea would be when a cyclone is brewing, taking it's shape and form in the skies far away when the hot and cold thoughts mix and intertwine with each other.

You are calm in the way that a new mother would feel when she gets to rest her shoulders in her caring husband's arms after spending the whole day running after her toddler and finally putting that little devil to sleep.

You are weird in a way that a group of long term friends behave in each other's company, being comfortable in who they are and what they can be, where no will judge you for being a little different.

You are loveable in a way that a kid would feel when he finally gets his first dog on his 16th birthday after whining, crying, begging and convincing his mother for the last 13 years.

You are a little detestable in a way that a loving husband would feel towards his teenagers when they go against his wife, their mother, who had sacrificed everything for their family.

You are a little stagnant and stinky in a way that a father would be towards his daughter who had just got a boyfriend, thinking that no guy is good enough for his princess and that guys are nothing but trash, so he would try to scare the boyfriend away.

You are good in the way that a son is towards his mother, a friend is towards his friend, a boy is towards his girl, a husband is towards his wife and a father is towards his kids.


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