CHAPTER 17: Mystery's Gambit.

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Zayn's distress was palpable; beads of sweat formed on his brow. "I was evicted... I can't go back," he confessed, his voice trembling. "So... I thought... returning to the orphanage..."

The tense exchange left the room laden with apprehension, the unspoken threat lingering between them like a silent storm.

With a chilling authority, Lord Maximus uttered, "Just one pull of the trigger, and it's all over. Now that your so-called 'recovery' is complete, I could easily expedite your journey into oblivion," his voice laced with ominous intent.

An avalanche of fear and confusion surged through Zayn, leaving him paralyzed by dread. His mind raced, questioning his judgment. "How could I have been so naive? What if this ends in my demise?"

Lord Maximus, tightening his grip on the gun, ominously brought it nearer.

Zayn, now desperate, vocalized, "I remember the sequence of events that brought me here."

A smirk, teeming with a predatory edge, curled upon Lord Maximus's lips as he inquired, "How did you become involved with the Butcher's Worm?"

"I am utterly clueless about them. The term was foreign to me until I arrived here," Zayn responded, his voice tinged with genuine ignorance.

Disappointment etched across Lord Maximus's face. "The only reason you're still breathing is my curiosity about how you landed in their clutches. But it seems I've exhausted my patience," he sneered.

"I'm speaking the truth. I was just offered help by a woman, I swear," pleaded Zayn.

"The web of mysteries deepens—those clothes, your ties with the Butcher's Worm," Lord Maximus stated with a sense of vexation.

"They were all I could find after losing my apartment," Zayn explained.

"Why the charade then? You claimed memory loss, yet now you wish to flee to the orphanage. Quite suspicious," Lord Maximus interrogated.

In a moment of contemplation, Zayn ruminated, "Why prolong this? He could easily end it all." Louder, he exclaimed, "Lord Maximus, pull that trigger and uncover the truth."

Incensed, Lord Maximus slammed the gun onto the table, leaning forward in a furious stance. "How dare you! Tell me now, how did you end up in that car?" he demanded, his rage palpable.

Zayn's POV,

Zayn felt his head bowing involuntarily, his features mirroring a state of utter confusion. "The exact date eludes me," he admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty, "I was forcibly evicted from my apartment on a rainy night. Seeking shelter, I stumbled upon an abandoned house, hoping it would serve as a sanctuary until things took a turn for the better. Inside, curiosity guided me towards a set of clothes, and I wore them. The next day, I ventured out, yearning for assistance. That's when I came across a woman carrying a baby. I pleaded for help, yet the situation descended into chaos. Our only escape seemed to be getting into her car. It felt as though our lives were in dire jeopardy, and soon enough, we were caught. I witnessed... her... her head..." Zayn's voice trailed off, the memories of that grisly scene returning, causing him to visibly cringe in distress.


Lord Maximus produced a picture and displayed it to Zayn, who scrutinized it intently before nodding in affirmation. "Yes, that's her."

Throwing the cannabis onto the table, Lord Maximus let out a sinister laugh. "She's a member of the Butcher's Worm. Following a comprehensive investigation, I've pinpointed the dates of your apartment departure and your encounter with her." He paused, a chilling glint in his eyes. "Once the full truth unravels, you'll learn more about her," he concluded with a venomous spit.

Zayn's frown deepened with concern. "But... she should be deceased by now."

"Yes, she is. She violated our code, not the infant," Lord Maximus interjected.

"Does that mean the child is still alive? Please, don't harm me. I believed the child was gone, which is why I didn't speak the truth," Zayn pleaded in desperation.

"You withheld information. You were aware of us, the Shaque. Clues from that enigmatic house you sought refuge in—speak the truth now, before I pull this trigger," Lord Maximus demanded sternly.

This time, Zayn was consumed by both confusion and dread. Sweat trickled down his face as he watched Lord Maximus lean back, raising the gun and aiming it directly at Zayn.

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