CHAPTER 18: Sanctuary Dilemma.

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Zayn's POV

Escorted by Hardin, I entered a room, disbelief clouding my thoughts. The space felt like an unexpected haven. I braced myself for imprisonment or worse, yet here I stood in a room adorned with art and greenery.

It was a stark contrast to the doom-laden scenarios I had anticipated—no prison walls, no fiery inferno. Instead, a sanctuary welcomed me.

Images of vibrant art and lively plants adorned the walls, a curious sight that defied my expectations. I couldn't help but question Lord Maximus's motives—why the sudden respite? Why spare me when his finger lingered so close to the trigger? The room, a sanctuary, offered an unexpected reprieve.

As I settled into the room's comfort, an eerie tranquility enveloped me. Hardin's departure left me alone, yet an unsettling blend of dread and fear lingered like an unwelcome guest in my mind.

Seating myself on a plush chair, I resisted the urge to smile, haunted by the lingering tension from my confrontation with Lord Maximus. A suspicion gnawed at me—perhaps surveillance watched my every move. I scanned the room discreetly, but no trace of hidden eyes met my gaze. The distant ceiling revealed no sign of intrusive cameras.

In my exploration, a startling discovery awaited—an all-too-familiar cross bag, reminiscent of the incident that led me here. Rushing toward it, I gingerly inspected its contents, hoping against hope for the completeness of my belongings.

Memories flooded my thoughts as I sifted through the bag's contents. Amidst it all, my eyes fixated on a note, bearing the cryptic message, 'The Shaque got six bar lords.' An involuntary sigh escaped my lips at the enigmatic words.

Carefully returning the items to the bag, I set it aside, consumed by deep reflection.

Why had Lord Maximus spared me from imminent peril? Despite his actions, I couldn't perceive him as merciful; his reputation contradicted such notions.

The memory of that infant's fate haunted me, leaving me unable to shake the uncertainty surrounding her. There were hints that aided me knowing that my whereabouts was within the Shaque tower, a place laden with mystery and enigma.

As I turned to take a seat, my eyes were immediately drawn to a pair of impeccably polished shoes. Slowly, my gaze traveled up, revealing a pair of legs and finally, I locked eyes with Lord Maximus himself.

In that moment, my heart froze in my chest, pounding with fear. It was as if time stood still, and I couldn't shake the overwhelming sense that this was the end. I knew, without a doubt, that he had come to claim my life.

Lord Maximus stood, hands clasped behind his back, a composed figure radiating an eerie calmness amidst my escalating fear.

"Is this room to your liking?" His voice, deceptively tranquil, broke the suffocating silence.

His unexpected question hung in the air, creating an unsettling tension that wrapped around me like a suffocating cloak.

At first, I couldn't fathom the devil speaking in such a deceivingly angelic tone, yet I cautiously nodded in affirmation.

Drawing nearer, he uttered, "Zayn, there's something exceptional about you. You must have pondered why I spared you despite all that has transpired."

With a hesitant nod, I listened as he continued, "I need your service. You owe me more than you realize; nothing here in the Shaque comes without a price."

My heart sank; the prospect of serving him, taking souls, was a pact I vehemently opposed. But declining his offer might seal my fate in this tower forever.

I dropped to my knees, pleading with him to release me, to allow my return to the orphanage. Mysteries shrouded the Shaque, and I didn't want to be a pawn in unraveling them.

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