CHAPTER 14: In Between Your Thighs.

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The frosty door closed gently behind her, cocooning her in the restroom's serenity, a sanctuary away from the office's bustling activity. Standing alone, she leaned against the sink, her tired reflection staring back at her.

Drawing nearer to the mirror, she sighed, her breath clouding its surface momentarily. A fleeting moment of introspection flashed in her eyes before her resolve visibly strengthened.

With a gentle swipe, she removed the layers of makeup, concealing angry red scars left by Lord Maximus's dominance. As the makeup faded, the scars emerged, a harsh constellation mapped across her cheek.  Tracing her face, her fingers flinched at their rough, almost brittle texture.

Her focus shifted downward, raising her gown to reveal her thighs marked by dark spots and persistent blisters—remnants of wounds that refused to fade.

Tossing the wipes into the bin, she turned to the sink, splashing cold water on her face.

Amidst the echoes of her thoughts, she murmured in anguish, tears streaming down her cheeks. "How could I have been so foolish to believe that he would love me? Today marks my 8th year with the Shaque. Will he ever remember?"

With each step heavy with a mix of pain and determination, Dr. Martini returned from the restroom. However, her heart sank at the sight awaiting her—a resplendent Lord Maximus stood, hands clasped behind his back, prompting fear to flicker in her eyes.

" What's troubling you, Martini?" His voice cut through the tense silence. She fought the urge to roll her eyes, grappling with disbelief at his sudden appearance. I can't believe he's here. What's his game? This is excruciating, she thought, her inner turmoil echoing the ache in her heart.

Lord Maximus closed the gap between them, leaning in to whisper, "I haven't forgotten what today signifies."

Dr. Martini sighed indifferently. "Lord, your presence here is unusual. Is there something specific you seek?"

"I've increased your salary by forty percent since today marks your 8th year working with me," Lord Maximus declared.

Dr. Martini let out a weary groan, her gaze meeting Lord Maximus. "Thank you, my Lord. Is that the sole reason for your visit?" she inquired.

"Is a reason necessary for me to step into your office? Regardless, I hold dominion over every aspect of you. I shaped you," Lord Maximus asserted, his tone resolute.

Dr. Martini's breath hitched, a shudder rippling through her frame. "Then why this torment, Lord Maximus? The bruises of your touch on my thighs are yet to heal..." Her voice trailed off.

Lord Maximus pivoted towards her, bending to untie her heels. He gently lifted her dress to reveal her thighs. Pausing, he drew them closer and tenderly kissed the bruise, He whispered in her ear, "I wouldn't mind adding a few more," as he pinched the tender spot. Dr. Martini cried out in pain.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she growled, "You're a masochist, leave me be." Undeterred, Lord Maximus placed his hands on her waist, pulling off her underwear and tying them around her neck. "You look beautiful like this. I don't ever want to see you with makeup, understood?" His deep voice echoed throughout the office.

Lord Maximus brushed a fingertip along the contour of Dr. Martini's lips, the caress sending shivers down her core. "You love me, don't you...?" He leaned in closer, his breath warm against her ear.

His voice, a silken rasp, sent a jolt through her, a flutter that settled possessively low in her belly. "But I won't compel those words from your lips."

"No, no," Dr. Martini's voice trembled, a flicker of fear in her eyes, betraying her words. Her posture reflexively shrank back, and she subtly pressed her hand against the desk for support. "My feelings for you were admiration, nothing more"

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