CHAPTER 19: Dark Clandestine.

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My curiosity about the baby persisted, but I harbored no interest in delving into the dark secrets of the Butcher's Worm and the Shaque.

"All I want is to leave this tower. Please, Lord Maximus, let me go," I pleaded, my voice quivering with desperation.

"I assure you, your life will take a different turn if you obey my commands. Every debt will be settled, and I'll unravel a multitude of mysteries for you. Disobedience will cost you your life," Lord Maximus declared with an eerie finality.

His words reverberated in my mind, and as I scanned the room, a sense of foreboding compelled me to rise and reluctantly agree. Desperate for change and terrified of the consequences, I made a silent vow: I wouldn't take a single soul, no matter the cost.

I anticipated Lord Maximus to hand me a weapon, but instead, he posed a strange question, "Have you ever experienced love?"

Confusion clouded my thoughts as I narrowed my eyes at him. "Could he be gay? Is that why he desires my services?" I pondered, trying to make sense of his peculiar inquiry.

"No, never. No one's interested in someone like me. I've got nothing to offer," I replied, my expression tinged with self-pity.

Lord Maximus's words echoed in my ears, sending a chill down my spine. "That's how it is," he declared, his voice cold and commanding. "Once you swear to work here in the Shaque, your emotions must perish instantly."

Although I longed to inquire about the baby, I hesitated. My sole concern was uncovering her fate. Lord Maximus stared at me, expecting a response, his raised brows signaling his anticipation.

"Am I allowed to get married?" I asked hesitantly.

With a smirk, he settled into a chair, countering, "Would you want to get married?"

"I might find love someday," I replied, uncertain.

"The more you integrate into our world, the more you'll realize that love or marriage becomes unnecessary. Here in the Shaque, there's no room for love or sex among members.

However, there's liberty for members to have their share of fun outside," he explained, a faint smile playing on his lips.

I pondered the situation, my thoughts racing. "What if I were to fall in love?" I questioned myself. Yet, I realized that there were no eligible ladies present, except for Dr. Martini and the nurse who outranked me. Flirting with them was out of the question.

"I'm prepared, Lord Maximus, but I do have inquiries about the baby," I admitted, driven by both curiosity and empathy.

His gaze seared with intensity, leaving me bewildered. Avoiding eye contact was my only refuge; his eyes seemed to emit flames.

I reluctantly agreed, not out of any amorous experience; after all, who could fall in love with someone as wretched as me? My life had been a canvas painted with nothing but pain and sorrow—I had never even entertained thoughts of sex.

"Zayn, she's safe. When the secret of the Butcher's Worm is unveiled to you, you'll learn about her," Lord Maximus assured.

Eagerly, I interjected, "What are these secrets?"

A look of disgust crossed Lord Maximus's face, "Curiousity has no place here. Learn to silence your thoughts and hold your tongue," he snarled.

I nodded submissively. "Firstly, you'll acquaint yourself with our rules and integrate seamlessly into the Shaque," he continued.

That marked my entrance into the room, without my beloved puppy, Shaque. Perhaps it met its end; it had been a companion aiding my recovery.

Now, without the puppy, there was a stark reminder that in the Shaque, there are no attachments or dependencies. I had to learn to live without it, as there are no strings attached in this place.

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