CHAPTER 13: Fragments Of Memory.

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Dr. Martini exuded a commanding presence as she settled into her office chair, clad in a resplendent green wrap dress that tastefully accentuated her figure.

The garment hinted at a subtle allure, offering a glimpse of her chest, while her recently trimmed hair framed her features in an aura of sophistication. Completing her ensemble, she wore striking green heels that added a touch of boldness to her attire.

In her customary poised stance, she sat elegantly, her hands resting confidently upon the table, ready for the interactions to come.

Across from her stood Nurse Shadowsong, a vision of professional poise in her immaculate white gown. The fabric draped gracefully around her, a symbol of her dedicated commitment to her noble calling.

In a tone that resonated with an eerie tranquility, Dr. Martini pronounced, "He's entered the final stage of his recovery."

Nurse Shadowsong's words carried an undertone of hope as she added, "The signs of improvement suggest it might mark the end of his recovery"

"Ah, indeed, very promising," Dr. Martini exclaimed, her countenance a blend of discomfort veiled beneath her authority.

Observing her superior closely, Nurse Shadowsong inquired, "Doctor, are you feeling alright?" Dr. Martini met her gaze, masking her inner turmoil with a deceptive smile. "I'm perfectly fine, my dear," she replied with a subtle touch of deceit.

With a gesture, Dr. Martini signaled for Nurse Shadowsong to leave her office. Shortly after, Hardin escorted Zayn into the room, each acknowledging the doctor respectfully.

"Good day, Dr. Martini," greeted Hardin, receiving a positive nod in return from the doctor. Meanwhile, Zayn stood in awe, marveling at the enchanting architecture of the office.

" Hello, please, take a seat," Dr. Martini invited, motioning for Zayn to occupy the chair across from her.

Zayn swiftly settled into the seat, his gaze wandering around the room as if absorbing its every detail.

"Zayn, your healing process has been remarkably rapid. Soon, you'll be familiar with this tower. However, I'm certain you remember the incident that brought you here," she stated, snapping her fingers for emphasis.

"No, I don't recall any event, but Doctor, I hope that once I'm done with my recovery process, I can find my way back to the orphanage," Zayn responded assertively.

Leaning closer, Dr. Martini lowered her voice, "I would like to show you something," her lips curved into a sardonic smile.

Placing the enigmatic drawing—containing the secrets of the Butcher's Worm—on the table, Dr. Martini pointed out the cryptic message. Zayn scrutinized the drawing, squinting at the mysterious text.

While Zayn focused on deciphering the message, Dr. Martini observed him intently before redirecting her attention to the drawing.

"What do you see here?" she inquired calmly.

"A phrase," Zayn replied.

"Now, look closely. Say whatever you see there," Dr. Martini commanded.

Zayn examined the drawing more intently. "Okay, umm, it says, "The Butcher's Worm."

"Yes, you're correct," she acknowledged, noting his reactions.

"Is it some brain-eating worm that inspired the artist?" Zayn questioned, wrinkling his brow.

"No, it's not. You don't remember anything about this name," Dr. Martini remarked, raising a skeptical eyebrow.

"No, I don't," Zayn mumbled.

Dr. Martini nodded, her agreement evident. With a swift movement, she slid open a nearby drawer, retrieving a gray recorder before closing it again with purposeful ease. Placing the recorder on her desk, she motioned towards it. "I'd like you to listen to this," she said.

Turning on the recorder, she played a haunting recording of a baby's cries—faint yet resonant, piercing through the silence. Even in its incoherence, the cries carried an undeniable urgency. Zayn's brow furrowed in response to the distressing sounds.

Stopping the playback, Dr. Martini inquired, "What do you feel or remember after listening to this?"

"I feel a sense of emotion, a distant connection. It's been so long since I've heard the cries of a baby," Zayn admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability.

"I urge you to reconsider before responding," Dr. Martini stated, folding her arms as she reclined in her seat.

"I genuinely can't recall," he paused, locking eyes with her, then continued, " My memories are hazy, mostly confined to my time at the orphanage."

Dr. Martini offered a wry smile, " It's related to the Butcher's Worm. This baby was the youngest among them, involved in a tragic car crash."

" Okay, but I'm clueless about what you're suggesting," Zayn retorted, frustration edging into his tone.

"I understand you don't recall the events that brought you here, but with time, all of this will become clearer," she declared, a note of assurance lacing her words.

Goosebumps prickled across Zayn's skin, an eerie shiver coursing through him as he pondered the puzzling nature of every word Dr. Martini had uttered. Meanwhile, a heavy sigh escaped Dr. Martini, betraying an underlying discomfort.

"Zayn, if any memories resurface, I need immediate notification," she declared firmly, motioning for Hardin to escort Zayn out of her office.

Hardin efficiently followed her command, swiftly guiding their departure from the office.
Zayn felt a knot tightening on his chest as he left.

Dr. Martini released a heavy sigh, her discomfort evident as she lightly tapped her fingers on the table. "I can't endure this any longer," she murmured to herself. Quietly rising from her seat, she headed into the adjacent restroom.

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