Chapter 1

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Jay Halstead, was married to the girl of his dreams, Hailey Anne Upton, it was going alright, at first, until Hailey started becoming abusive, she used to turn to drugs, and alcohol, she used to come home, wasted, and start hitting on Jay, she used to sleep on the streets, in her car, which use to scare Jay, but, he'd get on with it, no matter, how bad.

"Jay!" Hailey slurred.

Jay was usually scared to come, and face his wife, in case, something bad happened, but, he got over the fear, and faced his drunken, wife.

"Hi Hails." Jay smiled.

Hailey kicked off her boots, and sat heavily, on the couch.

"How was the district?" Jay wondered.

Hailey sighed, and spoke.

"How do you think? Stressful!" Hailey exclaimed.

Jay knew this was gonna be a bad night, he just had to wait, and see.

"There's leftover, Chinese in the fridge, I could heat up?" Jay offered.

Hailey shook her head, and put her feet, on the couch.

"Come on, you know the rule, baby." Jay laughed softly.

Hailey got fed up, with Jay's constant chatter, so she threw the beer bottle, against the wall.

"I'm fucking fed up, with the constant, chatter!" Hailey raged.

Jay got scared now, he knew, it was gonna be bad.

After Awhile. Hailey left the apartment, leaving a cold, scared, alone, Jay.

Jay had just been raped, and he was now scared of his own shadow, he thought, Hailey loved him.

"A-Ah!" Jay groaned.

Jay tried standing up, but, fell back down.

The door clicked open. Will, was walking in.

Will closed the door, and saw his younger brother, limp, on the floor.

"Jay?!" Will called.

Will rushed over, and felt for a pulse.

"Hey, who done this?" Will whispered.

Jay mumbled out, and groaned.

"Hailey." Jay mumbled.

Will knew, Hailey was turning abusive, towards Jay, and it broke his heart, to see Jay broken.

"Baby Bro, we need to get you to Med." Will responded.

Jay started crying, and shaking his head.

"Bud, your hurt, we need to get you, looked at." Will tried.

In the end. Will, carried Jay, towards the car, and drove to Med.

After Awhile. Jay was getting some tests done, and he felt safe, at Med.

"Just in here." Natalie smiled.

Erin and Hank nodded, and walked in the room.

Jay opened his eyes, and noticed, two detectives.

"Hi, I'm Detective Erin Lindsay, and this is Sergeant, Hank Voight, we've been told, you were attacked?" Erin started.

Jay slowly sat up, and nodded.

"Yes, It's nothing." Jay shook his head.

Erin sat on the chair, and spoke.

"Well, It doesn't look like nothing, your in hospital, Mr Halstead." Voight explained.

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