Chapter 11

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Riley was at school, and Erin and Jay, were at the district, chasing up, some missed paperwork.

"So, now, your living with me, and Ri, here's your keys." Jay smiled.

Erin took the keys, and kissed Jay's lips.

"Mmm, I love you, Lindsay." Jay moaned.

"I love you, Halstead." Erin spoke flirtatiously.

Erin and Jay broke the kiss off, when Hank, walked past.

"Don't mind me, we all know, your doing it." Hank spoke up.

Erin looked at Jay, who looked back.

"Doing what?" Erin asked.

Erin and Jay walked out, and Kim spoke.

"You, and Erin, moving in together?" Kim reiterated.

Erin looked at Jay, and leant on his shoulder.

"Well, I thought, it was obvious?" Erin spoke quietly.

"IT IS!" The unit spoke, in unison.

Everyone laughed, and sat at their desks.

After a few hours. Erin and Jay, finished their paperwork, and went home early.

"Hi, Bugs!" Erin smiled.

Riley smiled, and hugged Erin.

"How was school, kiddo?" Jay asked.

Riley sat on Erin's lap, and spoke.

"I went a day, without crying, and I got a sticker!" Riley explained.

Erin and Jay giggled, and hugged Riley.

"That's good, baby girl!" Jay smiled.

Riley munched on her snacks. which Erin, handed to her.

It soon reached bedtime, and Erin, was tucking, Riley in.

"Night, Bugs, love you." Erin whispered.

Riley replied back, and spoke.

"Do you think, my friend, can come over?" Riley wondered.

Erin stopped, and spoke.

"Sure, what's your friend's name, hon?" Erin wondered.

"Umm, I don't know? He never, told me his name, he says, I'm his granddaughter? I don't know, what that means?" Riley explained.

Erin was worried now, who was Riley, meeting?

After 10 Minutes. Erin and Jay, were walking into Leanne's office.

"We had no idea, this happened, Jay!" Leanne explained.

"I want to see the video, of whoever's talking to my kid." Jay ordered.

Leanne nodded, and played the video.

The older man, gave Riley a chocolate bar, and a drink.

Riley stayed for a minute, then walked away.

"And, that's all we get?" Erin asked.

"I'm afraid so." Leanne nodded.

Jay leant on the desk, putting his head down.

"Who is this guy, Erin?" Jay breathed out.

Erin came over, and rubbed Jay's back.

"I don't know, baby, we'll find out, I promise." Erin promised.

Jay nodded, and took some deep, heavy, breaths.

"Does, Riley have any paternal family?" Jay asked.

Leanne looked through the records, and spoke.

"None on record, but, she does have a uncle, we haven't got a name, so, there's no way to track him, and, that's your department." Leanne explained.

Erin and Jay nodded, and sighed.

"Looks like, we're calling Hank." Erin sighed.

Jay nodded, and looked at the screen.

Soon. The unit arrived, and was interviewing Michael.

"So, you like, tracking little kids, huh?" Jay asked.

Michael looked at the unit, and got squeamish.

"I don't know, anything, about little kids, Man!" Michael defended.

Jay slammed the photos down, which was the exact video.

"Is this you, stalking, and talking, to my four year old, kid?" Jay asked.

Michael stayed silent, and Kim spoke.

"There's no point hiding it, we got you, on cams, on video, your done." Kim explained.

Michael sighed, and spoke.

"I'm Riley's uncle, yes, I was following her, because, I wanted to meet her, is that a crime?" Michael asked.

"Yes, when your tracking, my detective's daughter, it is." Hank spoke gravelly.

Michael backed up, and stayed quiet.

"Now, you got two choices, you either, stay away from my granddaughter, or, I'll hunt you down, and me and you, are gonna take a little trip, and, it'll be only me, coming back, understand?" Hank threatened.

Michael eagerly nodded, and Adam spoke.

"Good! Your gonna be arraigned, and taken to Statesville." Adam explained.

Kim cuffed Michael, and walked him out.

"Hey, go home, be with your kid." Hank whispered.

Erin and Jay smiled, and took the offer.

The unit all walked back into the bullpen, and sat down.

A few hours later. Erin, Jay, and Riley, were asleep in their bedroom, and woke up, when morning, broke.

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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