Dumpster Defense

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Ritz wandered around an alley in West Philadelphia collecting collectables and storing them in his homemade cloak in order to hide himself before seeing a man in armor wandering outside to a blue illumination.

Ritz climbed up a wall of a building in the alley, he saw a large glass building with two "G"s as the logo, this immediately peaked his interest making him grab his binoculars modified by Robotnick.

Inside Michael went to Updike.

"Hello sir, I've located the Dearests and the family in the church." Michael said as Updike stepped down and placed his hand on Michael's shoulder.

"And the demon portal?" Updike asked.

Ritz lowered the binoculars after reading the cloud man's lips.

"He can't mean that one." Ritz said.

"Sterling and Abbott are on that one sir, I'm sure that they're looking for it the best they can." Michael replied.

Ritz lowered his binoculars and began running back to the to the portal through the darkness.

"No, nononono. This can't be happening." Ritz said. "I mean how could they even know about it?" Ritz asked himself.

He got to the portal's location and looked around before seeing an armored man and a one eyed angel making him hide.

"I can't believe we're looking for a funky dunk portal in the middle of Nowhere, Phillidelphia." Sterling said.

"It's real Sterling, if the detector saw it, it has to be." Abbott said scanning the area.

They had gotten dangerously close to the portal so Ritz had to take action.

He took out a bottle cap and threw it away from the portal making them look away.

He then attacked the armored man biting at his armor.

"Gah you rat bastard!" Sterling yelled as Abbott kicked Ritz back into the forest.

"Get outta my property!" Ritz yelled before scurrying away.

"That little-"

"Leave it." Abbott said, "that portal is still out there chasing some rodent won't do anything."

"Fine, but can we get back to the car and make sure I don't have rabies." Sterling said.

"You can, I'll keep looking for the damned thing." Abbott said as Ritz cursed from a tree.

"Damn angels." He said before feeling his slingshot.

"Well that changes things." He said aiming for the eye with a rock.

He released it and got a direct hit hearing the angel yell out "Son of a bitch!"

He saw him running and followed him to his car before taking out a blowtorch.

As Abbott got in Ritz welded the doors shut.

The two men inside started hitting against the doors to no avail.

"Keep out!" Ritz yelled.

He saw the car drive off and returned to see the red bricks.

"Ahh, temple sweet-" he stopped seeing Exetior, Negagen, and Sark. "Temple." He paused dropping the blow torch.

"Hm, wandering around the dimension with this... Collection, it all makes sense now." Exetior said.

"Sneaking out of here, and getting scraps, how funny." Sark said showing his teeth.

"Well Ritz, I apologize but you broke the rules, so now-"

"Master wait, I was encouraging it, don't punish him, he was only following my orders." Negagen said getting between Ritz and Sark.

Exetior looked at Negagen and sighed.

"Very well, I suppose he can go unpunished, for now." Exetior said crossing his arms.

Sark then snarled and began walking away.

Negagen brought Ritz back to his temple and sat him down.

"Well, that was close." Negagen said.

Ritz sighed, "y'know, some guys tried finding the temple, and I stopped them, yet I bet they'd still let Sark do some crap."

"I see, well I'll talk to Master about it, perhaps hearing about it will possibly help him see that what you're doing is a benefit." Negagen said.

Negagen soon went to Exetior and got next to him.

"Master, I must give you information that Ritz has relayed to me." Negagen said.

"What is it, it better be important." Exetior said tapping his foot.

"Well, he found two people that were looking for the portal to the temple." Negagen said.

"What?" Exetior asked.

"He fended them off but I fear that not having him on the outside can be at our disadvantage." Negagen said as Exetior sighed.

Ritz peeked in on the conversation.

"Negagen, as much as I respect you, the mortal-"
"Ritz." Negagen corrected while scowling at Exetior as if the name were some sort of insult.
"My apologies, Ritz, isn't strong enough for our mission, in fact, I think that we should take the route of-"
"Absolutely Not!" Negagen yelled, "apologies of my sudden outburst but I feel as though you underestimate him master." Negagen said calming down.

"I understand then, carry on." Exetior said.

Ritz was taken aback by Exetior's comments yes he wasn't as strong as Knuckles, Sally, or even Amy, but he can hold his own against others.

Back at the Greater Good Headquarters Updike and Michael had gone down to the lower levels to re-interrogate the bug-eyed creep.

"So you're back?" Updike said grabbing a chair.

"Yeah, really liked the clock gag, what's next a Dorito chip?" EVERYNAME asked sarcastically.

"No but we did get a tip about a weakness of your's." Updike said before he and Michael exited.

"What are two cartoon robot hands going to-" EVERYNAME was then encased in crystals after being set aflame.

Updike then set the room to constant.

"He can't get out." Updike said confidentiality.

"Never thought we'd get something from a time vortex." Michael said.

"Yes well, this job can get strange." Updike said.

The two went outside and saw Sterling and Abbott trapped in their car which was welded shut.

Michael punched the window open allowing them out.

"Ugh, no signs but I may need some shots." Sterling said half joking.

"There was a hermit out there, seemed like a rat." Abbott said.

Updike seemed intrigued by the discovery, he looked at Michael.

"I suppose that rat must be protecting something, it is more than likely that portal." Updike said.

"Sir, if I must say, I'd like to say that that portal seems harmless, right now I feel as though we should focus on the two demons." Michael said.

Updike nodded.

"I suppose so, let's keep our eyes on the nun and Rockstar." Updike said walking back inside.

Michael looked in the direction of the two houses.

"Sorry sis, it's for the greater good."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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