For all that's good

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Oliver ran through the city of Philadelphia guiding Michael through alleyways and heading to the correct spot on the map he made, it was to the head corners of a fountain meant to protect.

He then fealt a sharp pain in his stomach, a bullet hit.

He shot back and hit the man who shot him and continued to limp with Michael on his tail end, he was almost there.

Once he made it he collapsed.

Immediately three men came to his aid.

One was a masked man, another was a man with with one eye.

The final one was a bulky man who looked like a cloud.

"What is your business here?" Updike asked.

"My, son, please take him, *rrgh*, I don't want him to die." Oliver said to the cloud man.

The cloud looked down and sighed.

"Sterling, Abott, take the kid in." Updike Said in sorrow.

They lead the kid inside.

"Th-thank you." Oliver said smiling with tears in his eyes before he went limp and died.

Updike then rolled the man over and shut his eyes.

"I'm sorry this happened to you sir." He said to Oliver.

He then went inside.

"What's your name." Updike asked.

"M-Micheal." He said still shaking from the fact he saw his dad get shot.

"Well Michael, you're welcomed to the Greater Good, we're a service dedicated to saving those from dangers from the world, be it anomalies, Threats to peace, or just a possible chain reaction we need people to protect the world, for the Greater Good." Updike said.

"Get it see it's basically saying that we need to do things because it's for the-"

"Enough Sterling." Abott said.

Michael thought about what happened, he's only four but he's gotten the opportunity of a lifetime.

"I accept, and I'll be the best there is!" Michael yelled making Updike grin warmly.

"Well then, let's get started on your training." He said

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